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Night Crossing is a 1982 British-American drama film starring John Hurt, Jane Alexander and Beau Bridges.

Scannán drámaíochta 1982 ón mBreatain-Mheiriceánach is ea Night Crossing le John Hurt, Jane Alexander agus Beau Bridges.

The film opens with a brief summary of 1961s then-current conditions in East Germany and nature of the border zone, featuring stock footage such as Conrad Schumanns jump over barbed wire in Berlin as the Berlin Wall is being built.

Osclaítear an scannán le hachoimre ghairid ar dhálaí reatha 1961 in Oirthear na Gearmáine agus nádúr an chrios teorann, le píosaí scannáin ar nós léim Conrad Schumann thar sreang deilgneach i mBeirlín agus Balla Bheirlín á thógáil.

In April 1978, in the small town of Pößneck, Thuringia, a teenager, Lukas Keller, attempts to escape East Germany by riding a bulldozer through the Inner German Border Zone.

I mí Aibreáin 1978, i mbaile beag Pößneck, déanann Thuringia, déagóir, Lukas Keller, iarracht éalú ó Oirthear na Gearmáine trí ollscartaire a mharcaíocht trí Chrios Teorann Istigh na Gearmáine.

However, he is shot by automatic machine guns and left for dead by the guards; his family is informed while having a picnic with their friends, the Strelzyks and the Wetzels, and the entire Keller family are taken away by the police.

Lámhaíonn gunnaí meaisín uathoibríocha é, áfach, agus fágann na gardaí é marbh; cuirtear a theaghlach ar an eolas agus iad ag picnic lena gcairde, na Strelzyks agus na Wetzels, agus tógann na póilíní teaghlach Keller ar fad.

Finally fed up with his life under the GDR regime, Peter Strelzyk proposes a daring plan to his friend Günter Wetzel: they will build a balloon to carry themselves and their families (eight people total) over the border to West Germany.

Faoi dheireadh bréan dá shaol faoi réimeas GDR, molann Peter Strelzyk plean dána dá chara Günter Wetzel: tógfaidh siad balún chun iad féin agus a dteaghlaigh (ochtar san iomlán) a iompar thar an teorainn go hIarthar na Gearmáine.

They purchase 1,255 square yards of taffeta (claiming it is for a camping club); Günter sews the fabric together with a sewing machine in his attic and Peter experiments for months to construct a hot air balloon burner.

Ceannaíonn siad 1,255 slat cearnach de taffeta (ag maíomh gur le haghaidh club campála é); Déanann Günter an fhabraic a shéaladh mar aon le meaisín fuála ina áiléar agus déanann Peter turgnaimh ar feadh míonna chun dóire balún aer te a thógáil.

Of course, they face setbacks: fires while trying to inflate the balloon, struggles to build a burner with sufficient power, extremely suspicious neighbors, and doubts about the plans workability from Günters wife, Petra.

Ar ndóigh, bíonn deacrachtaí acu: tinte agus iad ag iarraidh an balún a insileadh, bíonn sé ag streachailt dóire a thógáil le cumhacht leordhóthanach, comharsana an-amhrasacha, agus amhras faoi inoibritheacht an phlean ó bhean chéile Günter, Petra.

Eventually, Peter and Günter then stop seeing each other, to avoid suspicion for when the Strelzyks escape.

Faoi dheireadh, stopann Peter agus Günter a chéile a fheiceáil, chun amhras a sheachaint nuair a éalóidh na Strelzyks.

Peter and his eldest son, Frank, complete the burner and, after extensive testing, manage to inflate the balloon.

Comhlánaíonn Peter agus a mhac is sine, Frank, an dóire agus, tar éis tástála fairsing, éiríonn leo an balún a mhéadú.

On July 3, 1979, the four members of the Strelzyk family attempt to fly out.

Ar 3 Iúil, 1979, déanann an ceathrar ball de theaghlach Strelzyk iarracht eitilt amach.

They successfully take off, though they are spotted by the border guard (who do not know what to make of it); however, a cloud dampens the balloon and the burner, and they crash within the border zone, only a few hundred feet from the fences, and the balloon floats away.

Éiríonn go maith leo, cé go bhfeiceann an garda teorann iad (nach bhfuil a fhios acu cad atá le déanamh as); déanann scamall dochar don balún agus don dóire, áfach, agus tuairteálann siad laistigh den chrios teorann, gan ach cúpla céad troigh ó na fálta, agus snámhann an balún ar shiúl.

Miraculously, they escape the zone, return to their car and drive home.

Go míorúilteach, éalaíonn siad ón gcrios, filleann siad ar a gcarr agus tiomáin siad abhaile.

Meanwhile, the border guard finds the balloon and the Stasi, led by Major Koerner (played by Günter Meisner), begins an investigation to find whoever built it, so they can prevent them from trying again.

Idir an dá linn, aimsíonn an garda teorann an balún agus cuireann an Stasi, faoi cheannas Major Koerner (a d’imir Günter Meisner), tús le himscrúdú chun teacht ar cibé duine a thóg é, ionas gur féidir leo iad a chosc ó thriail arís.

Initially distraught over his failure, Peter is convinced by his sons to try again, as they did fly and no one was hurt, and now the Stasi will stop at nothing to find them.

I dtosach báire mar gheall ar a mhainneachtain, cuireann a mhic ina luí ar Peter triail a bhaint as arís, mar d’eitil siad agus níor gortaíodh aon duine, agus anois ní stadfaidh na Stasi ar aon bhealach chun iad a aimsiú.

Peter convinces Günter to help him and both families begin work on a larger balloon to carry them all out.

Cuireann Peter ina luí ar Günter cuidiú leis agus tosaíonn an dá theaghlach ag obair ar balún níos mó chun iad go léir a dhéanamh amach.

Petra agrees to go with the plan, especially since her mother in West Berlin is very sick.

Aontaíonn Petra dul leis an bplean, go háirithe ós rud é go bhfuil a máthair in Iarthar Bheirlín an-tinn.

Having identified the initial launch area, the Stasi begins closing in on Pößneck.

Tar éis an limistéar seolta tosaigh a shainaithint, tosaíonn an Stasi ag dúnadh isteach ar Pößneck.

The Strelzyks and Wetzels purchase smaller quantities of taffeta from various stores to avoid suspicion, but they are running out of time.

Ceannaíonn na Strelzyks agus Wetzels méideanna níos lú taffeta ó shiopaí éagsúla chun amhras a sheachaint, ach tá siad ag rith as am.

In one scene, Peter tries to buy taffeta, claiming it is for his group of Young Pioneers; the manager leaves him to notify the Stasi, prompting Peter to leave the store.

I radharc amháin, déanann Peter iarracht taffeta a cheannach, ag maíomh gur dá ghrúpa Ceannródaithe Óga é; fágann an bainisteoir air fógra a thabhairt don Stasi, ag impí ar Peter an siopa a fhágáil.

They eventually finish the balloon, but have no time to test it.

Críochnaíonn siad an balún sa deireadh, ach níl aon am acu é a thástáil.

On September 15, 1979, the families prepare to move out while the Stasi finds blood pressure medicine belonging to Peters wife, Doris, at the place where the first balloon initially landed.

An 15 Meán Fómhair, 1979, ullmhaíonn na teaghlaigh chun bogadh amach fad a aimsíonn an Stasi leigheas brú fola le bean chéile Peter, Doris, ag an áit ar thuirling an chéad balún i dtosach.

They contact the pharmacy and run through all the people whom the medicine is prescribed to, eventually coming to Doris.

Déanann siad teagmháil leis an gcógaslann agus ritheann siad trí na daoine go léir a bhfuil an leigheas forordaithe dóibh, ag teacht go Doris sa deireadh.

Their neighbor (a member of the Stasi) identifies them as acting suspiciously; the families leave only minutes before the Stasi arrives at their homes.

Aithníonn a gcomharsa (ball den Stasi) iad a bheith ag gníomhú go amhrasach; ní fhágann na teaghlaigh ach cúpla nóiméad sula sroicheann na Stasi a dtithe.

They reach their launch point while the border is placed on emergency alert.

Sroicheann siad a bpointe seolta fad a chuirtear an teorainn ar airdeall éigeandála.

The balloon is inflated and the burner is lit.

Tá an balún teannta agus tá an dóire soilsithe.

Both families climb into the balloons basket and cut their ropes.

Sreapann an dá theaghlach isteach i gciseán an bhalúin agus gearrann siad a gcuid rópaí.

A fire is started in the cloth, but it is quickly put out by Günter and they later see a hole in the balloon and hope it will hold.

Cuirtear tine chun tosaigh san éadach, ach cuireann Günter amach go gasta é agus feiceann siad poll sa balún ina dhiaidh sin agus tá súil acu go gcoinneoidh sé é.

As they fly over, the balloon is spotted and Koerner pursues them in a helicopter.

Agus iad ag eitilt thall, feictear an balún agus téann Koerner sa tóir orthu i héileacaptar.

Eventually, the burner runs out of propane and they descend; the border guard is mobilized to find them.

Faoi dheireadh, ritheann an dóire as própán agus téann siad anuas; slógtar an garda teorann chun iad a aimsiú.

The balloon lands in a clearing, with all eight people unharmed.

Téann an balún i nglanadh, agus an ochtar ar fad gan díobháil.

Peter and Günter scout to find out where they are.

Scout Peter agus Günter le fáil amach cá bhfuil siad.

They are found by a police car.

Faightear iad i gcarr póilíní.

Peter asks if they are in the West; puzzled, the police officer says “Of course you are”.

Fiafraíonn Peter an bhfuil siad san Iarthar; buartha, deir an póilín “Ar ndóigh tá tú”.

Overjoyed, Peter and Günter light their signal flare and as the film closes, the families all happily embrace each other over the amazing success of their journey.

Ar bís, lasann Peter agus Günter a mbladhm comhartha agus de réir mar a dhúnann an scannán, glacann na teaghlaigh go léir lena chéile go sona sásta faoi rath iontach a dturas.

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