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€130,000 awarded to Parents of the Gaeltacht.

€130,000 bronnta ar Thuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta.

While visiting the Gaeltacht of Galway today, Jack Chambers, Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, announced that he has approved €130,644 of additional funding for the organization Tuismítiorí na Gaeltacht to manage the family support package they are administering on behalf of the Department and to develop.

Agus é ar cuairt inniu ar Ghaeltacht na Gaillimhe d’fhógair Jack Chambers, Aire Stáit na Gaeltachta, go bhfuil €130,644 de mhaoiniú breise ceadaithe aige don eagraíocht Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta leis an bpacáiste tacaíochta teaghlaigh atá á riar acu thar ceann na Roinne a bhainistiú agus a fhorbairt.

“Parents of the Gaeltacht are doing significant work to increase the use of Irish among Gaeltacht families who are raising their children with Irish or who wish to do so” said the Minister of State.

“Tá obair shuntasach á déanamh ag Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta chun cur le húsáid na Gaeilge i measc teaglaigh Gaeltachta atá ag tógáil a bpáistí le Gaeilge nó ar mian leo sin a dhéanamh” adúirt an tAire Stáit.

“With this additional funding for the family support package, Parents of the Gaeltacht will have the opportunity to contribute to the impact and effectiveness of the package and their own important work.”

“Leis an maoiniú breise seo don phacáiste tacaíochta teaghlaigh, beidh deis ag Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta cur le tionchar agus éifeacht an phacáiste agus lena gcuid oibre tábhachtaí féin.”

The Minister of State launched a new booklet compiled by the Gaeltacht Parents ‘Family Treasure’ while visiting the organisation’s offices on An Ceathrú Rua in Connemara.

Sheol an tAire Stáit leabhrán nua atá curtha le chéile ag Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta ‘Taisce Teaghlaigh’ agus é ag tabhairt cuairt ar oifigí an eagrais ar An gCeathrú Rua i gConamara.

It is hoped that the booklet will encourage families to get involved in the pursuit of nature in the Gaeltacht.

Tá súil go spreagfaidh an leabhrán teaghlaigh le ghabháil i mbun tóraíocht nádúir sa nGaeltacht.

The Head of Parents of the Gaeltacht, Sorcha Ní Chéilleichair, said that the additional funding “gives us the opportunity to better serve the families who apply for the Family Support Package.

Dúirt Ceannasaí Thuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta, Sorcha Ní Chéilleachair, go dtugann an maoiniú sa mbreis “deis dúinn freastal níos fearr a dhéanamh ar na teaghlaigh a dhéanann iarratas ar an bPacáiste Tacaíochta Teaghlaigh.

A new system will be implemented in which the needs of the families will be taken into account and packages based on those needs will be made available.

Beidh córas nua á chur i bhfeidhm ina mbeidh riachtanais na dteaghlach á gcur san áireamh agus pacáistí atá bunaithe ar na riachtanais sin á gcur ar fáil.

There will be more information in the Gaeltacht package about the work of the Gaeltacht Parents and the language planning process and an opportunity for families to search for information and find services in the community accordingly.”

Beidh níos mó eolais á chur sa phacáiste Gaeltachta faoi obair Thuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta agus an proiséas pleanála teanga agus deis ag teaghlaigh eolas a chuardach agus teacht ar sheirbhísí sa phobal dá réir.”

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