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16k residents have returned to this country for two weeks.

16k cónaitheoir fillte ar an tír seo le coicís.

Over 16,000 Irish residents have returned to the state in the past two and a half weeks, according to figures provided by the Department of Justice to RTÉ.

Tháinig breis agus 16,000 cónaitheoir de chuid na hÉireann ar ais go dtí an stát le coicís go leith anuas, de réir figiúirí atá curtha ar fáil ag an Roinn Dlí agus Cirt go RTÉ.

The figures show that around 3,000 people came here to visit a family member who was ill, to attend a funeral, for personal medical reasons or on a work trip.

Léiríonn na figiúirí go raibh thart ar 3,000 duine ag teacht anseo le cuairt a thabhairt ar dhuine muinteartha leo a bhí breoite, le freastal ar shochraid, ar chúiseanna leighis pearsanta nó ar turas oibre.

But 65% were returning to Ireland after a holiday or trip abroad.

Ach bhí 65 faoin gcéad acu ag filleadh ar Éirinn tar éis laethanta saoire nó turas thar lear.

Among the most populous countries were the United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, the United Arab Emirates and Romania.

I measc na dtíortha ba mhó a dtáinig daoine uathu, bhí an Ríocht Aontaithe, an Spáinn, an Pholainn, Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha agus an Romáin.

During the same period, 10,547 residents of other states entered this country.

I rith na tréimhse céanna, tháinig 10,547 cónaitheoir de chuid stát eile isteach sa tír seo.

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