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Message of brotherhood against Covid-19 from the Pope.

Teachtaireacht comhbhráithreachais i gcoinne covid 19 ón Pápa.

In his annual Christmas message, Pope Francis said that sharing the vaccine on the world ‘s poorest countries must be a priority this Christmas.

Ina theachtaireacht bhliantúil Nollag, dúirt an Pápa Proinnsias, go gcaithfí a chinntiú go bhfuil roinnt ar an vaicsín ar thíortha bochta an domhain mar thosaíocht an Nollaig seo.

He said the walls of nationalism could not be built to tackle a pandemic that does not recognize borders.

Dúirt sé nach bhféadfaí fallaí náisiúnachais a thógaint le dul i ngleic le paindéim nach n-aithníonn teorainneacha.

As a sign of this era of pandemic, the Pope delivered his Urbi et Orbi message online inside the Vatican instead of at the balcony in the heart of St. Peter’s Basilica and where crowds of hundreds of thousands would listen to his annual petition.

Mar chomhartha ar ré seo na paindéime, thug an Pápa a theachtaireacht Urbi et Orbi ar-líne taobh istigh den Vatacáin in áit bheith ag an mbalcóin i gceartlár Bhaisleac Pheadair agus mar a mbeadh sluaite na scórtha mílte ag éisteacht lena achainí bhliantúil.

The central theme of the message was the social and economic impact of the virus on the world and called on the countries of the world to come together and help the countries under the siege of warfare and humanitarian crises.

Téama lárnach na teachtaireachta ab ea tionchar shóisialta agus eacnamúil an víris ar an ndomhan agus ghlaoigh sé ar thíortha an domhain teacht le chéile agus cabhrú leis na tíortha atá faoi léigear na cogaíochta agus géarchéimeanna daonnachta.

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