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Matsuura Takeshiro (12 March 1818 – 10 February 1888) was a Japanese explorer, cartographer, writer, painter, priest, and antiquarian.

Taiscéalaí Seapánach, cartagrafaí, scríbhneoir, péintéir, sagart agus ársaitheoir ab ea Matsuura Takeshiro (12 Márta 1818 – 10 Feabhra 1888).

During the late Edo period and Bakumatsu he journeyed six times to Ezo, including to Sakhalin and the Kuriles.

Le linn na tréimhse Edo déanach agus Bakumatsu thaistil sé sé huaire go Ezo, lena n-áirítear chuig Sakhalin agus na Kuriles.

In the early Meiji period he was an official in the Hokkaido Development Commission.

Go luath sa tréimhse Meiji bhí sé ina oifigeach i gCoimisiún Forbartha Hokkaido.

Instrumental in the naming of the island and many of its places, he is sometimes referred to as the godparent of Hokkaido.

Uirlise in ainmniú an oileáin agus go leor dá áiteanna, tugtar diaparent Hokkaido air uaireanta.

Ezo is the Japanese term historically used to refer to the lands to the north of the Japanese island of Honshu.

Is é Ezo an téarma Seapánach a úsáidtear go stairiúil chun tagairt a dhéanamh do na tailte ó thuaidh d’oileán Honshu na Seapáine.

It included the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, which changed its name from “Ez.”

Áiríodh ann oileán thuaidh na Seapáine Hokkaido, a d’athraigh a ainm ó “Ez.”

to “Hokkaid.”

a “Hokkaid.”

in 1869, and sometimes included Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

in 1869, agus uaireanta bhí Sakhalin agus Oileáin Kuril san áireamh.

The Hokkaido Development Commission , sometimes referred to as the Hokkaido Colonization Office or simply the Kaitakushi, was a government agency in early Meiji Japan.

Gníomhaireacht rialtais i Meiji luath na Seapáine ba ea Coimisiún Forbartha Hokkaido, dá ngairtear uaireanta Oifig Choilíneachta Hokkaido nó go simplí an Kaitakushi.

Tasked with the administration, economic development, and securing of the northern frontier in what, at the time of establishment, was known as Ezo, it was established in 1869 and disbanded in 1882.

Cuireadh de chúram air riarachán, forbairt eacnamaíoch, agus an teorainn thuaidh a dhaingniú mar a tugadh Ezo air tráth a bhunaithe, bunaíodh é in 1869 agus scoireadh é in 1882.

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