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50 new Covid-19 cases, no fatalities.

50 cás nua covid 19, gan aon duine básaithe.

It was confirmed this afternoon that no one has been recorded to have died of Covid-19 disease in the State since yesterday but that there are 50 new cases.

Dearbhaíodh tráthnóna nár taifeadadh aon duine a bheith básaithe leis an ngalar covid 19 sa Stát ó inné ach go bhfuil 50 cás nua ann.

This means that 1,763 people have died of the disease in the Republic of Ireland since the outbreak of the pandemic and 26,303 people have contracted it.

Fágann seo go bhfuil 1,763 duine básaithe leis an ngalar i bPoblacht na hÉireann ó thosaigh an phaindéim agus go bhfuil sé tolgtha ag 26,303 duine.

Eleven of the fifty new cases are in Wexford, ten are in Kildare, six in Dublin, five in Donegal and the remainder in nine different counties.

I Loch Garman atá aon cheann déag den leathchéad cás nua, tá deich gcinn i gCill Dara, sé cinn i mBaile Átha Cliath, cúig cinn i nDún na nGall agus i naoi gcontae éagsúla atá an chuid eile.

31 of them are men and nineteen are women.

Is fir iad 31 acu agus is mná iad naoi nduine dhéag acu.

81% of them are under 45 years old.

Tá 81 faoin gcéad díobh faoi bhun 45 bliain daois.

Earlier, it was announced that no deaths had been recorded due to Covid-19 in the North since yesterday but it was revealed that there are ten new cases of the disease.

Níos túisce, fógraíodh nár taifeadadh aon duine a bheith básaithe de bharr covid 19 sa Tuaisceart ó inné ach tugadh le fios go bhfuil deich gcás nua den ghalar ann.

Covid-19 in the north has killed 556 people and infected 6,006.

Tá 556 duine básaithe le covid 19 ó thuaidh agus tá sé tolgtha ag 6,006 duine ann.

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