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One more person died of Covid-19 in the State, 11 new cases.

Duine amháin eile básaithe le covid 19 sa Stát, 11 cás nua.

It was announced this afternoon that one other person has died of Covid-19 disease in the State and that there are 11 new cases.

Fógraíodh tráthnóna go bhfuil duine amháin eile tar éis bháis leis an ngalar covid 19 sa Stát agus go bhfuil 11 cás nua ann.

This means that 1,736 people have died of the disease in the Republic of Ireland since the pandemic began and 25,462 people have it.

Fágann seo go bhfuil 1,736 duine básaithe leis an ngalar i bPoblacht na hÉireann ó thosaigh an phaindéim agus go bhfuil sé tolgtha ag 25,462 duine.

Earlier, it was confirmed that no one else was recorded as dying from Covid-19 in the North for the fourth day in a row but that there are three new cases of the disease.

Níos túisce, dearbhaíodh nár taifeadadh aon duine eile a bheith básaithe de bharr covid 19 sa Tuaisceart don cheathrú lá as a chéile ach go bhfuil trí chás nua den ghalar ann.

Covid-19 north has 551 casualties and 5,760 people are infected.

Tá 551 duine básaithe le covid 19 ó thuaidh agus tá sé tolgtha ag 5,760 duine ann.

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