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A body of four found near the US-Canada border.

Corp ceathrair aimsithe gar don teorainn idir SAM agus Ceanada.

Authorities in Canada have found the bodies of four people near the Canadian – US border.

Tá na húdaráis i gCeanada i ndiaidh teacht ar chorp ceathrair i ngiorracht don teorainn idir Ceanada agus na Stáit Aontaithe.

A young child was among the dead.

Bhí leanbh óg i measc na marbh.

They are thought to have died during a snowstorm on a route regularly traveled by migrants.

Meastar go bhfuair siad bás le linn síobtha sneachta agus iad ar bhealach a dtaistealaíonn imircigh air go rialta.

It is understood they died of the cold.

Tuigtear go bhfuair siad bás den bhfuacht.

Their bodies were found among snow rafts.

Fuarthas a gcorp i measc ráthanna sneachta.

Temperatures were as low as 35 degrees below freezing yesterday when they were discovered.

Bhí an teocht chomh híseal le 35 céim faoi bhun an reophointe inné nuair a aimsíodh iad.

They were two adults, a teenage boy and a child and were found 12 meters from the border.

Beirt fhásta, buachaill sna déaga agus leanbh a bhí iontu agus thángthas orthu 12 méadar ón teorainn.

It is understood they were 10 kilometers from the nearest town.

Tuigtear go raibh siad 10 gciliméadar ón mbaile is cóngaraí.

A 47-year-old Florida man has been arrested by the authorities and charged with human trafficking.

Tá fear as Florida atá 47 bliain d’aois gafa ag na húdaráis agus tá gáinneáil ar dhaoine curtha ina leith.

The man was found driving a van on the south side of the border.

Fuarthas an fear ag tiomáint veain ar an taobh ó dheas den teorainn.

He was accompanied by two Indians in the van.

Bhí beirt ón India sa veain leis.

They did not have immigration documents.

Ní raibh cáipéisí inimirce acu.

Another group of immigrants was arrested earlier in the day on the south of the border, in the United States.

Gabhadh grúpa inimirceach eile níos túisce sa lá ar an taobh ó dheas den teorainn, sna Stáit Aontaithe.

Authorities believe the dead, the two in the van and the group arrested in the United States were all originally part of the same group.

Tá na húdaráis den tuairim go raibh na mairbh, an bheirt sa veain agus an grúpa a gabhadh sna Stáit Aontaithe ar fad mar chuid den ghrúpa céanna ar dtús.

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