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Stricter restrictions in place in Sweden.

Srianta níos géire i bhfeidhm sa tSualainn.

A large number of new policies have come into force in Sweden in an attempt to take control of the Covid 19 spread there.

Tá léar mór beartas nua tagtha i bhfeidhm sa tSualainn féachaint le smacht a fháil ar scaipeadh Covid 19 ansin.

New policies include the wearing of masks on public transport and the closure of unnecessary workplaces, for example, gymnasiums, swimming pools and libraries.

I measc na mbeartas nua, tá sé molta mascanna a chaitheamh ar iompar poiblí agus dúnfar áiteanna oibre nach bhfuil riachtanach, mar shampla, giomanna, linnte snámha agus leabharlanna.

Swedish people have also been advised to reduce the number of people they meet.

Tá comhairle curtha ar mhuintir na Sualainne líon na ndaoine go mbuaileann siad leo a chiorrú freisin.

The restrictions will remain in place until January 24, when matters will be reviewed.

Beidh na srianta i bhfeidhm go dtí 24 Eanáir, tráth a dhéanfar athbhreithniú ar chúrsaí.

To date, Sweden has avoided many of the strictest restrictions in place in other countries; schools, businesses and restaurants were left open and strict locking was not implemented.

Go dtí seo, bhí an tSualainn ag seachaint go leor de na srianta ba ghéire a bhí i bhfeidhm i dtíortha eile; fágadh scoileanna, gnónna agus bialanna ar oscailt agus níor cuireadh dianghlasáil i bhfeidhm.

But in the last two months, the number of cases has increased dramatically every week.

Ach le dhá mhí anuas, tá méadú mór ar líon na gcásanna gach seachtain.

8,000 people killed in Sweden by Covid 19.

8,000 duine atá básaithe sa tSualainn le Covid 19.

More people are lost there than in neighboring countries (Norway and Finland), but fewer than in some of the countries in Europe where intensive locking was in place.

Tá níos mó daoine caillte ansin ná sna tíortha in aice láimhe (An Iorua agus An Fhionlainn), ach níos lú ná cuid de na tíortha san Eoraip ina raibh dianghlasáil i bhfeidhm.

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