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‘Postpone Christmas family events to summer’.
Cuir siar ócáidí teaghlaigh Nollag go dtí an samhradh.
Public health expert Dr.
Tá an saineolaí sláinte poiblí an Dr.
Gabriel Scally is petitioning the Irish and Westminster governments to ask families not to come together this Christmas, and postpone social events until the Summer.
Gabriel Scally ag achainí ar Rialtas na hÉireann agus rialtas Westminster iarraidh ar theaghlaigh gan teacht le chéile an Nollaig seo, agus ócáidí sóisialta a chur siar go dtí an Samhradh.
To compensate for this, people should be given another two days of public holiday, he says.
Mar chúiteamh air seo, ba cheart dhá lá eile saoire poiblí a thabhairt do dhaoine, a deir sé.
By then, Gabriel Scally says we will have help from the vaccine being distributed to the public.
Faoin am sin, deir Gabriel Scally go mbeidh cúnamh againn ón vaicsín bheith á dháileadh ar an bpobal.
He warned that it was not worthwhile to impose restrictions following an increase in the number of cases and that a sensible level of restraint should be maintained consistently.
Thug sé foláireamh nach fiú srianta a chur i bhfeidhm tar éis ardú ar líon na gcásanna agus gur cheart leibhéal ciallmhar srianta a choinneáil ar bun go seasta.
Ireland has done well in keeping the number of cases low, he said, and this is justified in keeping the restrictions in place over the Christmas period.
Rinne Éire go maith maidir le líon na gcásanna a choinneáil íseal agus údar é seo, a dúirt sé, leis na srianta a fhágeail mar atá thar thréimhse na Nollag.
If this advice is not followed, there will be a huge increase in cases in the new year, according to Dr.
Beidh borradh mór sna cásanna san athbhliain mura gcloífear leis an gcomhairle seo, dar leis an Dr.
From this Friday, three families will be allowed to get together and will be allowed to travel around the country for three weeks until 6 January.
Ón Aoine beag seo amach, beidh cead ag trí theaghlach teacht le chéile agus beidh cead taistil ar fud na tíre go ceann trí seachtaine go dtí an 6 Eanáir.
Food service restaurants and hotels have been allowed to open from 4 December to cater for outdoor customers.
Tugadh cead do bhialanna agus do thithe ósta a bhfuil seirbhís bia iontu oscailt ón 4 Nollaig chun freastal ar chustaiméirí amuigh faoin aer.