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The Dark Crystal (sometimes referred to as Jim Hensons The Dark Crystal) is a 1982 puppet-animated high fantasy film directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz.
Scannán ard fantaisíochta beoite puipéad 1982 é The Dark Crystal (dá ngairtear The Dark Crystal le Jim Henson uaireanta) faoi stiúir Jim Henson agus Frank Oz.
A millennium ago on the planet Thra, two new races appeared when a shard was shattered from the Crystal of Truth: the malevolent Skeksis whose continued corruption of the Crystal to extend their lives ravaged Thra, and the gentle urRu, more commonly known as the Mystics, who made their home in the Valley of Stones to await for their destiny.
Mílaoise ó shin ar an bpláinéad Thra, bhí dhá rás nua le feiceáil nuair a briseadh shard as Crystal of Truth: an Skeksis maorga a ndearna éilliú leanúnach an Crystal chun a saol a shíneadh Thra, agus an urRu mhín, ar a dtugtar na Mystics níos minice. , a rinne a dteach i nGleann na gCloch chun fanacht lena gcinniúint.
The leader of the urRu, the Master UrSu, raised a young Gelfling named Jen whose clan were slaughtered by the Skeksis.
D’ardaigh ceannaire an urRu, an Máistir UrSu, Gelfling óg darb ainm Jen ar mharaigh na Skeksis a clan.
As the Great Conjunction of Thras three suns draws near, a dying UrSu instructs Jen to fulfill a prophecy to heal the Crystal by first retrieving the Shard from Aughra.
De réir mar a bhíonn Comhréiteach Mór trí ghrian Thra ag druidim le chéile, tugann UrSu atá ag fáil bháis treoir do Jen tuar a chomhlíonadh chun an Crystal a leigheas tríd an Shard a aisghabháil ó Aughra ar dtús.
As UrSu passes, the Skeksis Emperor also dies, with the Chamberlain skekSil exiled after losing a duel of succession against the General SkekUng.
De réir mar a théann UrSu ar aghaidh, faigheann Impire na Skeksis bás freisin, agus an skekSil Chamberlain ar deoraíocht tar éis dó duel comharbais a chailleadh i gcoinne an Ghinearáil SkekUng.
When the Skeksis learn of Jens existence, they send their army of giant crab-like Garthim to capture him, with skekSil following.
Nuair a fhoghlaimíonn na Skeksis faoi Jen a bheith ann, seolann siad a n-arm de Garthim portán ollmhór chun é a ghabháil, le skekSil ina dhiaidh.
Jen meets Aughra and enters her orrery, which she uses to predict the motions of the heavens as she explains about the Conjunction before having Jen select the Shard from a box full of shards.
Buaileann Jen le Aughra agus téann sí isteach ina ornáid, a úsáideann sí chun gluaiseachtaí na bhflaitheas a thuar mar a mhíníonn sí faoin gComhréiteach sula roghnaíonn Jen an Shard as bosca lán le shards.
Aughra was about to explain Jens mission before the Garthim arrive and destroy the orrery, taking Aughra prisoner as Jen flees.
Bhí Aughra ar tí misean Jen a mhíniú sula dtagann an Garthim agus go scriosfadh sé an orrery, ag glacadh príosúnach Aughra agus Jen ag teitheadh.
Hearing the call of the Crystal, the urRu leave their valley to travel to the Skeksis Castle.
Ag éisteacht le glao na Crystal, fágann an urRu a ngleann chun taisteal go Caisleán na Skeksis.
On his journey through the swamp, Jen meets Kira, another surviving Gelfling who can communicate with animals.
Ar a thuras tríd an bportach, casann Jen le Kira, Gelfling eile a mhaireann agus atá in ann cumarsáid a dhéanamh le hainmhithe.
The two learn more about each other when they accidentally “dreamfast”, seeing into each others memories.
Foghlaimíonn an bheirt níos mó faoina chéile nuair a dhéanann siad “brionglóid” de thaisme, agus iad ag breathnú isteach ar chuimhní a chéile.
They stay for a night with the Podlings who raised Kira, only for them and Kiras pet Fizzgig to flee when the Garthim raid the village, with skekSil keeping the Garthim from pursuing then.
Fanann siad ar feadh oíche leis na Podlings a d’ardaigh Kira, gan ach dóibh féin agus peata Kira Fizzgig teitheadh nuair a ruathar an Garthim ar an sráidbhaile, le skekSil ag coinneáil an Garthim ó shaothrú ansin.
Jen and Kira discover a ruined Gelfling city with ancient writing describing a prophecy: “When single shines the triple sun, what was sundered and undone shall be whole, the two made one by Gelfling hand or else by none.”
Aimsíonn Jen agus Kira cathair scriosta Gelfling le scríbhneoireacht ársa ag cur síos ar fháidh: “Nuair a bheidh an ghrian triple ag taitneamh, beidh an rud a bhí grianmhar agus gan déanamh iomlán, déanann an bheirt ceann le lámh Gelfling nó eile.”
They are interrupted by skekSil, revealing the prophecy was the reason for the Gelfling genocide while trying to trick them into coming with him to the castle under false pretenses.
Cuireann skekSil isteach orthu, ag nochtadh gurbh í an tuar ba chúis le cinedhíothú Gelfling agus iad ag iarraidh iad a mhealladh chun teacht leis go dtí an caisleán faoi chúraimí bréagacha.
But the Gelflings run off and reach the Castle of the Crystal on Landstriders, intercepting the Garthim that attacked Kiras village.
Ach ritheann na Gelflings as agus sroicheann siad Caisleán na Crystal ar Landstriders, ag tascradh an Garthim a d’ionsaigh sráidbhaile Kira.
While trying to free the captured Podlings, Kira, Jen, and Fizzgig descend to the bottom of the Castles dry moat and use a lower-level entrance to gain access.
Agus iad ag iarraidh na Podlings a gabhadh a shaoradh, téann Kira, Jen, agus Fizzgig go bun móta tirim an Chaisleáin agus úsáideann siad bealach isteach ar leibhéal níos ísle chun rochtain a fháil.
But they are intercepted by skekSil, who buries Jen in a cave-in after being refused and takes Kira to the Skeksis.
Ach déanann skekSil iad a idircheapadh, a adhlacadh Jen in uaimh isteach tar éis dóibh a bheith diúltaithe agus Kira a thabhairt chuig na Skeksis.
skekSil is reinstated while giving Kira to the Skeksis Scientist skekTek to be drained of her life essence for skekUng to drink so that he can regain his youth.
Cuirtear skekSil ar ais agus é ag tabhairt Kira do skekTek Eolaí Skeksis le draenáil de bhunús a saoil chun go n-ólfaidh skekUng ionas go mbeidh sé in ann a óige a fháil ar ais.
Aughra, imprisoned in the Scientists laboratory, tells Kira to call for help from the captive animals; they break free in response and free Kira while causing skekTek to fall down the crystal shaft to his death.
Deir Aughra, atá i bpríosún i saotharlann an Eolaí, le Kira glaoch ar chabhair ó na hainmhithe gabhála; briseann siad saor mar fhreagra agus saor Kira agus iad ag cur faoi deara go dtitfidh skekTek síos an seafta criostail go dtí a bhás.
One of the urRu vanishes.
Téann ceann de na urRu as feidhm.
Aughra frees herself soon after Kira left and before Jen arrived.
Scaoileann Aughra í féin go gairid tar éis do Kira imeacht agus sular tháinig Jen.
The three suns begin to align as the Gelflings reunite at the Crystal Chamber as the Skeksis gather for the ritual that will grant them immortality.
Tosaíonn na trí ghrian ag ailíniú de réir mar a thagann na Gelflings le chéile arís sa Seomra Crystal agus na Skeksis ag teacht le chéile don dóiteán a thabharfaidh neamhbhásmhaireacht dóibh.
Jen leaps onto the Dark Crystal but drops the Shard, with Kira taking it after Fizgig is knocked down the crystal shaft by skekUng and is saved by Aughra.
Léim Jen ar an Dark Crystal ach titeann sé an Shard, le Kira á thógáil tar éis do Fizgig an seafta criostail a bhualadh síos le skekUng agus é a shábháil ag Aughra.
Kira throws the Shard back to Jen as she is fatally impaled by the Skeksis Ritual-Master skekZok, with an enraged Jen inserting the Shard into the Crystal and fulfilling the prophecy.
Caitheann Kira an Shard ar ais go Jen mar go bhfuil sí marfach ag skekZok Skeksis-Ritual-Master, le Jen cráite ag cur an Shard isteach sa Crystal agus ag comhlíonadh na tairngreachta.
The Garthim disintegrate and the Podling slaves regain their essence while the dark stone covering the Castle crumbles away to reveal a crystalline structure.
Díscaoileann na Garthim agus na sclábhaithe Podling a gcuid croílár agus imíonn an chloch dhorcha a chlúdaíonn an Caisleán chun struchtúr criostalach a nochtadh.
The urRu arrive and use the Crystal to merge themselves and the Skeksis into tall glowing beings known as urSkeks.
Tagann na urRu agus úsáideann siad an Crystal chun iad féin agus na Skeksis a chumasc i ndaoine ard glé ar a dtugtar urSkeks.
The urSkeks leader explains to Jen they had mistakenly shattered the Crystal long ago, splitting them into two races and decimating Thra, and that Jens actions have restored them.
Míníonn ceannaire an urSkeks do Jen go ndearna siad an Crystal a scriosadh trí dhearmad fadó, iad a roinnt ina dhá rása agus Thra a dhíothú, agus go ndearna gníomhartha Jen iad a athbhunú.
The urSkeks revive Kira in gratitude for her sacrifice and Jens courage, and then ascend to a higher level of existence, leaving the Crystal to the Gelflings on the now-rejuvenated Thra.
Déanann na urSkeks Kira a athbheochan mar bhuíochas as a íobairt agus as misneach Jen, agus ansin ascend go leibhéal níos airde de bheith ann, ag fágáil an Crystal chuig na Gelflings ar an Thra atá athnuachana anois.