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Covid-19 is worried about its hospitals in Hong Kong.

Imní mhór faoina hospidéil i Hong Kong de bharr covid 19.

There is a huge rise in the number of people with Covid-19 in Hong Kong, and ‘hospitals there could be under a lot of pressure as a result’ said the region’s Chief Executive Carrie Lamb.

Tá ardú mór ar líon na ndaoine le covid 19 i Hong Kong, agus dfhéadfadh ospidéil ansin a bheith go mór faoi bhrú dá bharr a dúirt Príomhfheidhmeannach an réigiúin Carrie Lamb.

She then implored the community to strictly adhere to the social separation and stay at home as much as possible.

Dimpigh sí ar an bpobal ansin cloí go docht leis an scaradh sóisialta agus fanacht sa bhaile an oiread agus is féidir.

‘A major outbreak of the virus is on the way again,’ she said.

Tá ráig mhór den víreas ar an mbealach arís a dúirt sí.

Stricter restrictions are then being put in place to prevent the spread of the virus.

Tá srianta níos déine á gcur i bhfeidhm ansin chun leathadh an víris a chosc.

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