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Irishmen clapping with bamboo palms on the green.

Gaeil ag bualadh báire le bos bambú ar fhaichí Fáil feasta?.

By Tomás Ó Mainnín A company in Clare is hoping to expand its workforce following an unusual new design of the hurling cam.

Le Tomás Ó Mainnín Tá súil ag comhlacht i gCo an Chláir cur lena meitheal oibre tar éis dóibh dearadh nua neamhghnách a dhéanamh ar an gcamán iománaíochta.

Made from a more durable source material than ash the new hurley is in view of the damage caused to ashwoods by the retreating disease.

Déanta as bunábhar níos inmharthana ná an fhuinseog atá an camán nua i bhfianaise an damáiste atá déanta do choillte fuinseoige ag an ngalar críonadh siar.

Bamboo is the base material for the new hurley launched this week.

Is é an bambú bunábhar an chamáin nua a seoladh an tseachtain seo.

The Torpey family have been making traditional hurley from ash near the Sixmilebridge in Co Clare for 30 years.

Tá muintir Torpey ag déanamh camán traidisiúnta as fuinseog in aice Dhroichead Abhann Ó gCearnaigh i gCo an Chláir le 30 bliain.

They have up to ten employees, but they hope to increase that number if their innovative product is successful.

Tá suas le deichniúr fostaithe acu, ach tá súil acu cur leis an líon sin má bhíonn rath ar a n-earra nuálach.

The Torpey company has carried out five-year research with a university in England and has spent over € 300,000 on the design of the new caman.

Tá taighde cúig bliana déanta i gcomhar le hollscoil i Sasana ag comhlacht Torpey agus tá os cionn €300,000 caite acu ar dhearadh an chamáin nua.

It is the same size and weight as the traditional hurley but seems stronger and more accurate.

Tá sé ar cóimhéid agus ar cóimheáchan leis an gcamán traidisiúnta ach is cosúil go bhfuil sé níos láidre agus níos cruinne.

Seán Torpey says that the new cam has the advantage of being able to repeat the same dimensions over and over again, which will suit senior players.

Deir Seán Torpey go bhfuil sé de bhuntáiste ag an gcamán nua gur féidir é a athdhéanamh de réir na dtoisí céanna arís agus arís eile, rud a oirfidh go mór dimreoirí sinsearacha.

He says the bamboo can be harvested after five years of growth compared to the 30 years it takes for the ash tree to grow.

Deir sé gur féidir an bambú a bhaint tar éis cúig bliana fáis i gcomparáid leis an 30 bliain a thógann sé ar an gcrann fuinseoige fás.

“A big part of this proposal was finding material that was as good as or better than ash and making the material more viable.

“Ba chuid mhór den togra seo teacht ar ábhar a bheadh chomh maith nó níos fearr ná an fhuinseog agus an t-ábhar a bheith níos inmharthana.

We feel we have achieved the goal. ”

Is dóigh linn go bhfuil an sprioc bainte amach againn.”

says the Tarpaul.

a deir an Tarpach.

Seán Torpey doing his job Program captain John Conlon is one of the players who has tried the new stick.

Seán Torpey i mbun a cheirde Tá captaen an Chláir John Conlon ar dhuine de na himreoirí a bhfuil triail bainte acu as an maide nua.

He says that he has been armed with the modern handkerchief for a few months and that it looks very similar to the traditional one.

Deir sé go bhfuil armáil bainte aige as an gcrúca boise nua- aimseartha le cúpla mí agus go bhfeictear dó go bhfuil sé an-chosúil leis an gceann traidisiúnta.

He is very impressed, he says.

Tá sé an-tógtha leis, a deir sé.

Although the bamboo hurley is almost twice as expensive as the average ash cam, Seán Torpey claims it will last much longer.

Cé go bhfuil an camán bambú nach mór dhá oiread níos daoire ná an gnáthchamán fuinseoige, maíonn Seán Torpey go mairfidh sé i bhfad níos faide.

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