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“Must be cautious.”

“Ní mór a bheith aireac.”

– rising number of Covid-19 cases.

– líon cásanna covid 19 ag ardú.

It was announced this afternoon that six others have died of Covid-19 disease in the State since yesterday and that there are 23 new cases.

Fógraíodh tráthnóna go bhfuil seisear eile básaithe leis an ngalar covid 19 sa Stát ó inné agus go bhfuil 23 cás nua ann.

According to the latest figures, 1,743 people have died in the Republic of Ireland since the pandemic began and 25,565 people have contracted it.

De réir na bhfigiúirí is deireanaí, 1,743 duine atá básaithe leis an ngalar i bPoblacht na hÉireann ó thosaigh an phaindéim agus tá sé tolgtha ag 25,565 duine.

Professor Philip Nolan of the National Public Health Emergency Team also announced that the number of cases of Covid-19 has increased in two weeks and that the number of person-to-person coronaryovirus reproductive numbers has risen to 1 or over.

Dfhógair an tOllamh Philip Nolan ón bhFoireann Náisiúnta Éigeandála Sláinte Poiblí freisin go bhfuil ardú tagtha ar líon na gcásanna de covid 19 le coicís agus go bhfuil uimhir atáirgthe an choróinvíris ó dhuine go duine ardaithe go dtí 1 nó os a chionn.

The virus starts to spread again when the reproductive number exceeds 1 and Professor Nolan said that we need to be cautious and vigilant in light of this news.

Tosaíonn an víreas ag leathadh arís nuair a théann an uimhir atáirgthe os cionn 1 agus dúirt an tOllamh Nolan go gcaithfimid go léir a bheith aireach agus airdeallach i bhfianaise an scéala seo.

Professor Philip Nolan The health authorities also confirmed this afternoon that 1,071,580 people have downloaded the app which tracks people close to other people who have contracted coronary virus.

An tOllamh Philip Nolan Dheimhnigh na húdáráis sláinte tráthnóna chomh maith go bhfuil íoslódáil déanta ag 1,071,580 duine ar an aip a choinníonn cuntas ar dhaoine a bhí i ngar do dhaoine eile a bhfuil an coróinvíreas tolgtha acu.

The app was launched yesterday.

Seoladh an aip arú inné.

Earlier, it was confirmed that no one else was recorded as dying from Covid-19 in the North since yesterday but that there are three new cases of the disease.

Níos túisce, dearbhaíodh nár taifeadadh aon duine eile a bheith básaithe de bharr covid 19 sa Tuaisceart ó inné ach go bhfuil trí chás nua den ghalar ann.

Covid-19 has died in the north of 554 and is affected by 5,768 people.

Tá 554 duine básaithe le covid 19 ó thuaidh agus tá sé tolgtha ag 5,768 duine ann.

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