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Gardaí to supervise public houses.

Gardaí le maoirsiú a dhéanamh ar thithe tabhairne.

An Garda Síochána is due to start supervising pubs nationally from this afternoon onwards to ensure that they are complying with rules on the prevention of the spread of the virus.

Tá an Garda Síochána le tús a chur le maoirsiú ar thithe tabhairne go náisiúnta ó tháthnóna inniu amach lena chinntiú go bhfuil siad ag cloí le rialacha maidir le leathadh an choróinvíris a chosc.

Concerns have been expressed by the public and business representatives that the rules are not being adhered to properly in certain pubs since they reopened at the beginning of this week.

Deirtear go bhfuil imní á léiriú ón bpobal agus ó ionadaithe lucht gnó nach bhfuiltear ag cloí leis na rialacha mar is ceart i dtithe tabhairne áirithe ó athosclaíodh iad arís ag tús na seachtaine seo.

A code will be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions for any center allegedly in breach of the rules.

Cuirfear cód chuig Stiúrthóir na nIonchúiseamh Poiblí i gcás aon ionad a deirtear atá ag sárú na rialacha.

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