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Lebanon: Israeli forces begin a ground invasion.

An Liobáin: tús curtha ag fórsaí Iosrael le hionradh talún.

Israeli military forces have been carrying out a ground invasion of southern Lebanon since early morning with a firm intention, they say, to drive Hezbollah out of the region.

Tá ionradh talún á dhéanamh ag fórsaí míleata Iosrael ar dheisceart na Liobáine ó mhoch maidine agus rún daingean acu, a deir siad, Hezbollah a ruaigeadh as an réigiún.

According to the Israelis it is currently a “limited invasion” and that their soldiers and tanks are targeting specific centers of Hezbollah in villages close to the border between the two countries.

Dar leis na hIosraelaigh gur “ionradh teoranta” atá ann faoi láthair agus go bhfuil a gcuid saighdiúirí agus tancanna ag díriú ar ionaid ar leith de chuid Hezbollah i sráidbhailte gar don teorainn idir an dá thír.

The Israelis also say that the air force is supporting the infantry and artillery platoons.

Deir na hIosraelaigh freisin go bhfuil an t-aerfhórsa ag tacú leis na saighdiúirí coise agus na buíonta airtléire.

Yesterday evening, the Lebanese Army withdrew five kilometers from the border but it is reported that members of Hezbollah are fighting the invaders.

Tráthnóna inné, tharraing Arm na Liobáine siar cúig chiliméadar ón teorainn ach tuairiscítear go bhfuil comhaltaí de Hezbollah ag dul i dtreis leis na hionróirí.

According to the people of the village of Aita al-Shaab in the south of Lebanon, the place has been bombarded from the air by the Israelis since this morning.

Dar le muintir shráidbhaile Aita al-Shaab i bhfíordheisceart na Liobáine go bhfuil an áit á thuairgneáil ón aer ag na hIosraelaigh ó mhaidin.

It is also reported that a missile or missiles were fired at Lebanon’s largest Palestinian refugee camp near the city of Sidon.

Tuairiscítear leis gur scaoileadh diúracán nó diúracáin leis an gcampa teifeach Palaistíneach is mó sa Liobáin in aice le cathair Shiodón.

The Israeli air force carried out further attacks on suburbs to the south of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, during the night.

Rinne aerfhórsa Iosrael tuilleadh ionsaithe ar bhruachbhailte ar an taobh ó dheas de phríomhchathair na Liobáine, Béiriút, i gcaitheamh na hoíche.

It is said that the Israelis notified people to leave the area before they fired the bombs.

Deirtear gur thug na hIosraelaigh fógra do dhaoine imeacht as an gceantar sular scaoil siad na buamaí uathu.

The Lebanese Government says that at least 95 people have been killed and up to 200 injured as a result of Israeli attacks in various parts of the country in the last twenty-four hours.

Deir Rialtas na Liobáine gur maraíodh 95 duine ar a laghad agus gur gortaíodh suas le 200 de bharr ionsaithe na nIosraelach in áiteanna éagsúla sa tír le ceithre huaire fichead.

In that one – according to the Syrian state news agency – three people were killed and nine were injured when the Israelis carried out an air attack on the capital of that country, Damascus.

Ina cheann sin – dar le gníomhaireacht nuachta stát na Siria – maraíodh triúr agus gortaíodh naonúr nuair a rinne na hIosraelaigh aerionsaí ar phríomhchathair na tíre sin, an Damaisc.

The Israelis have killed around 1,000 civilians in Lebanon – as well as several senior members of Hezbollah – since they began bombing the country two weeks ago.

Áirítear thart ar 1,000 sibhialtach a bheith maraithe ag na hIosraelaigh sa Liobáin – chomh maith le roinnt comhaltaí sinsearacha de Hezbollah – ó thosaigh siad ag buamáil na tíre coicís ó shin.

It is also estimated that a million people have fled their towns as a result of the fighting.

Meastar freisin go bhfuil milliún duine tar éis teitheadh óna mbailte de bharr na cogaíochta.

RTÉ News and Current Affairs The villages of Adeisseh and Kfar Kila in southern Lebanon are being bombed by Israeli forces, 1 October 2024

Nuacht agus Cúrsaí Reatha RTÉ Sráidbhailte Adeisseh agus Kfar Kila i ndeisceart na Liobáine á mbuamáil ag fórsaí Iosrael, 1 Deireadh Fómhair 2024

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