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Decision about Apple money to be announced in the Budget.

Cinneadh faoi airgead Apple le fógairt sa Bhuiséad.

It is estimated that the Government will set out in the Budget, a week from next Tuesday, how the big tax windfall from Apple will be spent.

Meastar go leagfaidh an Rialtas amach sa Bhuiséad, seachtain ón Máirt seo chugainn, conas a chaithfear an t-amhantar mór cánach ó Apple.

In a meeting of the Fine Gael parliamentary party last night, Taoiseach Simon Harris indicated that he hoped the Government would have made a decision regarding the money by 1 October.

I gcruinniú de pháirtí parlaiminte Fhine Gael aréir, thug an Taoiseach Simon Harris le fios go raibh súil aige go mbeadh cinneadh déanta ag an Rialtas maidir leis an airgead faoin 1 Deireadh Fómhair.

Last week, the European Court of Justice ruled that Apple would have to pay €13 billion in taxes to Ireland, as ordered by the European Union in 2016.

An tseachtain seo caite, rialaigh an Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Eorpach go gcaithfeadh Apple €13 billiún i gcánacha a íoc le hÉirinn, mar a bhí ordaithe ag an Aontas Eorpach in 2016.

The money was deposited in an escrow account while the case was ongoing and due to interest it is now worth €14.1 billion.

Bhí an t-airgead i dtaisce i gcuntas eascró fad is a bhí an cás ar siúl agus de bharr úis is fiú €14.1 billiún anois é.

In last night’s meeting, the Taoiseach confirmed that the money would be invested in further developing the State’s infrastructure.

Sa chruinniú aréir, dheimhnigh an Taoiseach go n- infheisteofaí an t-airgead i mbonneagar an Stáit a fhorbairt tuilleadh.

It is understood that he had in mind housing, water and energy infrastructure.

Tuigtear gur bonneagar tithíochta, uisce agus fuinnimh a bhí ar intinn aige.

The Government has already decided not to make the money available for daily spending or to compensate tax reductions for the Exchequer.

Tá sé socraithe cheana féin ag an Rialtas gan an t-airgead a chur ar fáil faoi thuairim caiteachais laethúla ná chun laghduithe cánach a chúiteamh don Státchiste.

According to Sinn Féin, however, the public should be given a voice on the issue and wait until after the general election before making any decision about the money.

Dar le Sinn Féin, áfach, ba chóir guth a thabhairt don phobal ar an gceist agus fanacht go dtí tar éis an olltoghcháin sula ndéanfaí aon chinneadh faoin airgead.

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