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Sick children from Gaza to receive medical treatment in Ireland.

Leanaí tinne as Gaza le cóireáil leighis a fháil in Éirinn.

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly is to ask the Cabinet for permission to bring scores of sick children from Gaza to Ireland to be treated in hospitals in this country.

Tá an tAire Sláinte Stephen Donnelly le cead a iarraidh ar an gComhaireacht na scórtha leanaí tinne a thabhairt as Gaza go hÉirinn le cóir leighis a chur orthu in ospidéil sa tír seo.

Children with cancer, blood acidosis or other serious illness are involved, but children with orthopedic needs are not currently being taken into account.

Leanaí a bhfuil ailse, aicíd fola nó galar tromchúiseach eile orthu atá i gceist, ach níl leanaí a bhfuil riachtanais ortaipéideacha acu á gcur san áireamh faoi láthair.

The matter will be discussed in a meeting of the Cabinet today.

Pléifear an scéal i gcruinniú den Chomhaireacht inniu.

The plan has been prepared for several months by various Government Departments in collaboration with medical professionals and the Irish Red Cross.

Tá an plean á réiteach le roinnt míonna ag Ranna Rialtais éagsúla i gcomhar le lucht leighis agus Cros Dhearg na hÉireann.

According to the plan, a medical team from Ireland will go to Gaza to assess sick children and to get more information about their needs from their families or other people who are caring for them.

De réir an phlean, rachaidh foireann leighis as Éirinn go Gaza le measúnú a dhéanamh ar leanaí tinne agus le tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoina gcuid riachtanas óna muintreacha nó ó dhaoine eile atá ag tabhairt aire dóibh.

It is intended to bring around 30 children to Ireland before the end of the year and more afterwards.

Tá sé i gceist thart ar 30 leanbh a thabhairt go hÉirinn roimh dheireadh na bliana agus tuilleadh ina dhiaidh sin.

Caregivers will accompany the children and they will live in homes with health care workers working in this country.

Tiocfaidh cúramóirí in éineacht leis na leanaí agus cónóidh siadsan i dtithe le cúramóirí sláinte atá ag obair sa tír seo.

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