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Government advising not to go to Israel, leave Lebanon.

Rialtas ag comhairliú gan dul go hIosrael, imeacht as an Liobáin.

The Government is advising Irish citizens not to go to Israel at the moment and Irish people in Lebanon are also being advised to leave that country because of the conflict in the region.

Tá an Rialtas ag comhairliú do shaoránaigh na hÉireann gan dul go dtí Iosrael faoi láthair agus táthar ag comhairliú freisin d’Éireannaigh atá sa Liobáin imeacht as an tír sin mar gheall ar an gcoimhlint sa réigiún.

In various statements they posted on X today, Taoiseach Simon Harris and Tánaiste Micheál Martin declared that the Department of Foreign Affairs believes that it is not safe to go to either of those two countries at the moment.

I ráitis éagsúla a phostáil siad ar X inniu, dhearbhaigh an Taoiseach Simon Harris agus an Tánaiste Micheál Martin go gcreideann an Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha nach bhfuil sé sábháilte dul go dtí ceachtar den dá thír sin i láthair na huaire.

Irish people have already been advised not to go to Palestine because of the war Israel is waging on Gaza in particular.

Comhairlíodh d’Éireannaigh cheana gan dul go dtí an Phalaistín mar gheall ar an gcogadh atá Iosrael a chur ar Gaza go háirithe.

As with Lebanon, the Department of Foreign Affairs “strongly advises” people to stay away from the south of the country, a Hezbollah stronghold that is regularly attacked by Israeli forces.

Mar leis an Liobáin, tá an Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha “ag moladh go láidir” do dhaoine fanacht amach ó dheisceart na tíre, dún daingean Hezbolladh a bhfuil fórsaí Iosrael á ionsaí go rialta.

Speaking on RTÉ yesterday, the commander of the Defense Forces of Ireland who are on a peace mission in southern Lebanon said that people in the region were on fire and that things were very uneasy there.

Ag labhairt dó ar RTÉ inné, dúirt ceannasaí Óglaigh na hÉireann atá ar fiannas síochána i ndeisceart na Liobáine go raibh daoine sa réigiún ar tinneall agus go raibh cúrsaí an-mhíshocair ann.

Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Fox indicated that people warned that the situation would get worse.

Thug an Leifteanant-Choirnéal Tom Fox le fios gur mheabhraigh daoine gur i ndonas a rachadh an scéal.

There are 332 soldiers from Ireland on peacekeeping duty with the United Nations in southern Lebanon.

Tá 332 saighdiúir as Éirinn ar dualgas síochána leis na Náisiúin Aontatthe i ndeisceart na Liobáine.

Some of them are based very close to the border between Lebanon and northern Israel.

Tá cuid acu bunaithe an-ghar don teorainn idir an Liobáin agus tuaisceart Iosrael.

RTÉ News and Current Affairs

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