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Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com

Gaza ceasefire under discussion.

Sos comhraic do Gaza á phlé.

The proposed ceasefire deal for the Gaza Strip is currently being discussed by government representatives from the United States and Israel.

Tá an margadh sos comhraic atá á bheartú do Stáice Gaza á phlé faoi láthair ag ionadaithe rialtais óna Stáit Aontaithe agus Iosrael.

American Secretary of State Antony Blinken had telephone conversations with two senior ministers in the Israeli Government, Yoav Gallant and Benny Gantz to try to implement this deal.

Bhí comhráite teileafójn ag Stát Rúnaí Mheiriceá Antony Blinken le beirt airí sinsearacha i Rialtas Iosrael, Yoav Gallant agus Benny Gantz féachaint leis an margadh seo a chur i bhfeidhm.

Last Friday the President of America, Joe Biden, announced a resolution plan under which some of the hostages held by the Hamas extremists would be released.

Dé hAoine seo caite a d’fhógair Uachtarán Mheiriceá, Joe Biden plean réitigh faoina scaoilfí saor cuid de na gialla atá á gcoinneáil ag treallchogaithe Hamas.

Then, it is intended that talks would be held for a complete end to the hostilities and the release of the rest of the hostages held by Hamas from 7 October 2023.

Ansin, tá sé i gceist go ngabhfaí i mbun cainteanna le deireadh iomlán a chur leis an chogaíocht agus go scaoilfí saor an chuid eile de na gialla atá á gcoinneáil ag Hamas ón 7Deireadh Fómhair 2023.

Although Israel sees weaknesses in this plan, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Government says it is willing to accept the deal.

Ainneoin go bhfeiceann Iosrael laigeachtaí sa bplean seo, deir Rialtas Benjamin Netanyahu go bhfuil sé sásta glacadh leis an mhargadh.

However, he also says that his aim is always to destroy Hamas and that no deal will change that.

Deir sé freisin áfach go bhfuil sé mar aidhm aige i gcónaí Hamas a scriosadh agus nach n-athróidh aon socrú é sin.

Hamas has indicated that it wants a permanent settlement to end the fighting in order to be willing to release hostages.

Tá sé tugtha le fios ag Hamas gur socrú buan atá uaidh le deireadh a chur leis an gcogaíocht le go mbeidh sé sásta gialla a scaoileadh saor.

Gaza ceasefire under discussion

Sos comhraic do Gaza á phlé

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