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New contracts for consultant doctors.
Conarthaí nua do dhochtúirí comhairleacha.
The Government has given its blessing to new work contracts proposed by Health Minister Stephen Donnelly in relation to consultant doctors working in public hospitals.
Tá an Rialtas i ndiaidh beannacht a thabhairt do chonarthaí nua oibre a bhí molta ag an Aire Sláinte Stephen Donnelly maidir le dochtúirí comhairleacha a bheadh ag obair sna hospidéil phoiblí.
Minister Donnelly now said that it would now be possible to employ more consultant doctors and accordingly provide a better service to the public.
Dúirt an tAire Donnelly anois go mbeifí in ann níos mó dochtúirí comhairleacha a fhostú anois agus dá réir seirbhís níos fearr a chur ar fáil don phobal.
He also said that this would help to reduce waiting lists in hospitals and that there would not be as much pressure in the accident and emergency units.
Dúirt sé freisin go gcuideodh sé seo le liostaí feithimh a laghdú sna hospidéil agus nach mbeadh an oiread céanna brú sna haonaid timpistí agus éigeandála.
However, the Association of Hospital Consultant Doctors (IHCA) has expressed concern that the number of doctors who will want to participate in this scheme will be low.
Tá imní léirithe ag Cónaidhm na nDochtúírí Comhairleacha Ospidéil (IHCA) áfach go mbeidh líon na ndochtúírí a dteastóidh uathu a bheith páirteach sa scéim seo, íseal.
The President of the Federation, Robert Landers said that long working hours are mentioned in the contracts and that additional doctors must be hired to share the hours.
Dúirt Uachtaráan na Cónaidhme,Robert Landers go bhfuil uaireanta fada oibre luaite leis na conarthaí agus go gcaithfí dochtúirí breise a fhostú leis na huaireanta a roinnt.
However, he also admitted that there were advantages to the scheme.
D’admhaigh sé freisin áfach go raibh buntáistí leis an scéim.
Between €209,000-€252,000 a year to be offered in these new contracts.
Idir €209,000-€252,000 sa bhliain atá le tairiscint sna conarthaí nua seo.
There are also allowances worth €38,000 per year.
Tá liúntais i gceist freisin ar fiú €38,000 in aghaidh na bliana iad.
It is understood that a 37-hour working week will be involved, which is hours longer than consultants currently work.
Tuigtear gur seachtain oibre 37 uair a’chloig a bheidh i gceist, sin uaireanta níos faide ná mar a oibríonn comhairleoirí faoi láthair.
It is also understood that they may have to work on Saturdays, a duty they did not have before.
Tuigtear freisin go bhféadfadh sé go mbeadh orthu oibriú ar an Satharn, dualgas nach raibh orthu roimhe seo.
Speaking on his way into the Government meeting this morning, Minister Donnelly said that these contracts would be offered to any new doctor coming into the system and that any doctor who already has a contract could join there.
Ag labhairt dó ar a bhealach isteach chuig an gcruinniú Rialtais ar maidin, dúirt an tAire Donnelly go mbeadh na conarthaí seo á dtairiscint d’aon dochtúir nua atá ag teacht isteach sa chóras agus go bhféadfadh aon dochtúir a bhfuil conradh acu cheana féin a bheidh páirteach ann.
The public system is currently short of 900 doctors.
Tá ganntan de 900 dochtúir ar an gcóras poiblí faoi láthair.
New contracts for consultant doctors
Conarthaí nua do dhochtúirí comhairleacha