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Tough weeks ahead – Deputy Chief Medical Officer.
Seachtainí dheacra romhainn – Leas-Phríomh-Oifigeach Leighis.
Dr Rónan Glynn said this morning that it is a difficult few weeks ahead for the people of the country and the risk that there could be up to 200,000 new or more Covid-19 cases in the country in December.
Dúirt an Dr Rónan Glynn ar maidin go bhfuil cúpla seachtain dheacair roimh phobal na tíre agus an bhaol ann go bhféadfadh suas le 200,000 cás nua nó níos mó covid 19 bheith sa tír i mí na Nollag.
Dr Glynn gave this warning in an online video but said this number is not inevitable.
I bhfíseán ar-líne a thug an Dr Glynn an rabhadh seo ach dúirt sé nach bhfuil an líon seo dosheachanta.
He said that these people have not yet contracted the disease and that the spread of this outbreak can be avoided by taking and following health advice and guidance.
Dúirt sé nach bhfuil an galar tolgtha ag na daoine seo fós agus gur féidir an scaipeadh ráige seo a sheachaint ach comhairle agus treoir sláinte a ghlacadh agus a leanúint.
He said that despite the whole community being tired, exhausted by the pandemic, and that the majority of the population had given and followed many requests for health guidance, he said that the advice of the Department of Health, the Health Service Executive must be addressed. (HSE) and other experts now follow more vigorously.
Dúirt sé, ainneoin go bhfuil an pobal ar fad tuirseach, traochta ag an bpaindéim, agus gur iomaí iarratas ar threoir sláinte a leanúint atá tugtha agus leanta ag formhór an phobail, dúirt sé go gcaithfear díriú ar chomhairle na Roinne Sláinte, na Feidhmeannachta Seirbhíse Sláinte (FSS) agus na saineolaithe eile a leanúint níos tréine anois.
The Chief Executive of the HSE, Paul Reid, described the state of the crisis this morning, telling him that the challenge facing the health services is now more severe than at any other time during the pandemic to date.
Rinne Príomhfheidhmeannach an FSS, Paul Reid cur síos ar staid na géarchéime ar maidin, á rá dó go bhfuil an dúshlán atá os comhair na seirbhísí sláinte níos déine anois ná mar a bhí ag aon am eile le linn na paindéime go dtí seo.
Public hospitals are relying on private hospitals in a bid to bring the latest boom under control but he went on to say that because Covid’s treatment is being prioritized, many other surgeries have been put on the back burner. .
Tá na hospidéil poiblí ag dul i muinín na nospidéil príobháideacha in iarracht an borradh is déanaí a thabhairt faoi smacht ach lean sé le rá toisc go bhfuil tosaíocht á thabhairt do chóir leighis Covid, go bhfuil go leor obráidí eile curtha ar an méar fhada dá bharr.
He also pointed out that 4,400 staff in the medical service have been absent due to the infection of Covid-19.
Thug sé le fios freisin, go bhfuil 4,400 ball foirne den tseirbhís leighis as láthair de bharr covid 19 bheith tolgtha acu.