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Government subcommittee discussing Covid guidelines.

Fochoiste Rialtais ag plé treoirlínte Covid.

The Government Subcommittee on Covid-19 is meeting today.

Tá an Fochoiste Rialtais maidir le covid 19 i mbun cruinnithe inniu.

It is understood that the latest changes to be made to the guidelines in the hospitality industry for outdoor events will be discussed.

Tuigtear go bpléifear na hathruithe is deireanaí atá le déanamh ar na treoirlínte i dtionscail an fháilteachais d’imeachtaí lasmuigh.

The industry now needs more clarification in light of the controversy that erupted last month when former Government Minister Katherine Zappone organized an event with over 50 people in attendance at the Merrion Hotel in Dublin.

Breis soiléirithe atá ag teastáil anois ón tionscail i bhfianaise na conspóide a tharla an mhí seo caite nuair a d’eagraigh an t-iar Aire Rialtais,Katherine Zappone imeacht ina raibh breis is 50 duine i láthair ag Óstán an Merrion i mBaile Átha Cliath.

The Government subsequently published advice it had received from the Attorney General stating that it was permissible to organize outdoor events with up to 200 people in attendance.

D’fhoilsigh an Rialtas comhairle ina dhiaidh sin a fuair sé ón Ard Aighne inar dúradh go raibh sé ceadmhach imeachtaí lasmuigh a eagrú agus suas le 200 duine i láthair.

Based on this advice, Fáilte Ireland, the state agency that sets out the guidelines for the hospitality industry to publish the latest information on Covid events and regulations.

Tá an eagraíocht Fáilte Ireland, an áisíneacht stáit a leagann amach na treoirlínte do thionscail an fháilteachais leis an eolas is deireanaí maidir le himeachtaí agus rialacháin Covid a fhoilsiú bunaithe ar an gcomhairle seo.

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