20210201_”Réalaíoch faoi chaighdeán na Gaeilge sa seirbhís phoiblí”.

Original Podcast with clickable words


“Realistic about the standard of Irish in the public service”.

“Réalaíoch faoi chaighdeán na Gaeilge sa seirbhís phoiblí”.

The Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, Jack Chambers, said today that we must be realistic about the standard of Irish that will be acceptable in the future among public service employees.

Dúirt Aire Stáit na Gaeltachta, Jack Chambers, inniu go gcaithfear a bheith réalaíoch faoi chaighdeán na Gaeilge a bheas inghlactha feasta i measc fostaithe sa tseirbhís phoiblí.

The opposition was of the view that a specific level of Irish language proficiency for new state recruits should be set out in the legislation.

Bhí an freasúra den tuairim go mba cheart léibhéal inniúlachta Gaeilge ar leith dearcaithe nua stáit a leagan síos sa reachtaíocht.

Éamon Ó Cuív, the TD from Fianna Fáil, stated that not enough native Irish speakers are available to work in every hospitality office in the country.

Mhaígh Éamon Ó Cuív, an Teachta Dála ó Fhianna Fáil, nach bhfuil go leor daoine a bhfuil Gaeilge ó dhúchas acu ar fáil chun dul ag obair i ngach oifig fáilteachais sa tír.

The opposition and the government were in agreement that every public body in the country must nominate a person to be responsible for the promotion of the Irish language.

Bhí an freasúra agus an rialtas ar aon intinn go gcaithfeadh gach comhlacht poiblí sa tír duine a ainmniú le bheith freagrach as cur chun cinn na nGaeilge.

The debate on the Language Bill will resume on Tuesday.

Cuirfear tús in athuair leis an díospóireacht ar an mBille Teanga Dé Máirt.

Amendments regarding the use of the Irish language in the Houses of the Oireachtas will be under discussion that day.

Leasuithe maidir le húsáid na Gaeilge i dTithe an Oireachtais a bheidh faoi chabidil an lá sin.

The Official Languages Act Amendment Bill is, therefore, being progressively progressed at Committee Stage.

Is de réir a chéile, mar sin, atá an Bille Leasuithe ar Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla á stiúradh tríd ag Céim an Choiste.

Many other meetings of the committee will be held before the end of this part of the long process of finalizing a new Language Act.

Beidh roinnt mhaith cruinnithe eile den choiste á reachtáil sula dtiocfaidh críoch leis an gcuid seo den phroiséas fada chun Acht Teanga nua a thabhairt chun críche.

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