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Teachers dissatisfied with Government plan for Leaving Certificate students.

Múinteoirí míshásta le plean an Rialtais do scoláirí Ardteiste.

The Irish Teachers’ Union is urging the Government not to bring Leaving Certificate students back to school next week as planned to give all interested parties an opportunity to discuss the issue first.

Tá Aontas Múinteoirí Éireann ag iarraidh ar an Rialtas gan scoláirí Ardteistiméireachta a thabhairt ar ais ar scoil an tseachtain seo chugainn mar atá beartaithe le deis a thabhairt do gach páirtí leasmhar an cheist a phlé ar dtús.

The Government yesterday decided to leave the country’s schools closed until the end of the month due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but it was agreed that Leaving Certificate students would still be allowed to go to school three days a week from next Monday.

Shocraigh an Rialtas inné scoileanna na tíre a fhágáil dúnta go dtí deireadh na míosa mar gheall ar an bpaindéim covid 19, ach aontaíodh go mbeadh cead fós ag daltaí Ardteistiméireachta dul ar scoil trí lá sa tseachtain ón Luan seo chugainn.

It is up to the schools themselves to decide which days it will be, three days respectively or by extension.

Is faoi na scoileanna féin atá sé a shocrú cé na laethanta a bheas i gceist, trí la faoi seach nó iad a agú.

Speaking on RTÉ, Irish Teachers ‘Union president Martin Marjoram said the teachers’ wizard was unhappy with the Government’s decision.

Ag labhairt dó ar RTÉ, dúirt uachtarán Aontas Múinteoirí Éireann Martin Marjoram go bhfuil an draoi múinteoirí míshásta le cinneadh an Rialtais.

Many are of the opinion, he said, that it is a reckless plan and that they are putting them in danger as a result.

Tá go leor acu den tuairim, a dúirt sé, gur plean meargánta atá ann agus go bhfuil siad á gcur i nguais dá bharr.

Martin Marjoram said the union does not believe the plan can be implemented safely or practically as early as next Monday.

Dúirt Martin Marjoram nach gcreideann an ceardchumann gur féidir an plean a chur i bhfeidhm go sábháilte ná go praiticiúil chomh luath le Dé Luain seo chugainn.

Another union – the Association of Secondary Teachers – has indicated that they are also unhappy with the plan and may “take action.”

Tá sé tugtha le fios ag ceardchumann eile – Cumann na Meánmhúinteoirí – go bhfuil siadsan míshásta leis an bplean freisin agus go mbfhéidir go rachaidh siad “i mbun gníomhaíocht.”

to cross it.

chun crosadh a chur air.

Union general secretary Kieran Christie said teachers are confused and disappointed by the decision and called on Education Minister Norma Foley to review it between now and Monday.

Dúirt ardrúnaí an cheardchumainn Kieran Christie go bhfuil mearbhall agus díomá ar mhúinteoirí faoin gcinneadh agus diarr sé ar an Aire Oideachais Norma Foley athbhreithniú a dhéanamh air idir seo agus an Luan.

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