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Reds is a 1981 American epic historical drama film, co-written, produced, and directed by Warren Beatty, about the life and career of John Reed, the journalist and writer who chronicled the Russian Revolution in his 1919 book Ten Days That Shook the World.

Reds es una película de drama histórico épico estadounidense de 1981, coescrita, producida y dirigida por Warren Beatty, sobre la vida y carrera de John Reed, el periodista y escritor que hizo una crónica de la Revolución Rusa en su libro de 1919 Diez días que sacudieron al mundo. .

In 1915, married socialite Louise Bryant encounters the radical journalist John Reed for the first time at a lecture in Portland, Oregon, and is intrigued with his idealism.

En 1915, la socialité casada Louise Bryant se encuentra con el periodista radical John Reed por primera vez en una conferencia en Portland, Oregon, y está intrigada con su idealismo.

After meeting him for an interview on international politics that lasts an entire night, she realizes that writing has been her only escape from her frustrated high-society existence.

Después de reunirse con él para una entrevista sobre política internacional que dura una noche entera, se da cuenta de que escribir ha sido su único escape de su frustrada existencia en la alta sociedad.

Inspired to leave her husband, Bryant joins Reed in Greenwich Village, New York City, and becomes acquainted with the local community of activists and artists, including anarchist and author Emma Goldman and the playwright Eugene ONeill.

Inspirada por dejar a su esposo, Bryant se une a Reed en Greenwich Village, Nueva York, y se familiariza con la comunidad local de activistas y artistas, incluida la anarquista y autora Emma Goldman y el dramaturgo Eugene O’Neill.

Later, they move to Provincetown, Massachusetts, to concentrate on their writing, becoming involved in the local theatre scene.

Más tarde, se mudan a Provincetown, Massachusetts, para concentrarse en su escritura, involucrándose en la escena teatral local.

Through her writing, Bryant becomes a feminist and radical in her own right.

A través de su escritura, Bryant se convierte en feminista y radical por derecho propio.

Reed becomes involved in labor strikes with theRedsof the Communist Labor Party of America.

Reed se involucra en huelgas laborales con losrojosdel Partido Laborista Comunista de América.

Obsessed with changing the world, he grows restless and heads for St.

Obsesionado con cambiar el mundo, se inquieta y se dirige a St.

Louis to cover the 1916 Democratic Convention.

Louis para cubrir la Convención Demócrata de 1916.

During Reeds absence, Bryant falls into a complicated affair with ONeill.

Durante la ausencia de Reed, Bryant cae en una complicada aventura con O’Neill.

Upon his return, Reed discovers the affair and realizes he still loves Bryant.

A su regreso, Reed descubre la aventura y se da cuenta de que todavía ama a Bryant.

The two marry secretly and make a home together in Croton-on-Hudson, north of New York City, but still have conflicting desires.

Los dos se casan en secreto y hacen un hogar juntos en Croton-on-Hudson, al norte de la ciudad de Nueva York, pero aún tienen deseos en conflicto.

When Reed admits his own infidelities, Bryant takes a ship to Europe to work as a war correspondent.

Cuando Reed admite sus propias infidelidades, Bryant toma un barco a Europa para trabajar como corresponsal de guerra.

After a flare-up of a kidney disorder, Reed is warned to avoid excessive travel or stress, but he decides to take the same path.

Después de un brote de un trastorno renal, se advierte a Reed que evite los viajes excesivos o el estrés, pero decide tomar el mismo camino.

Reunited as professionals, the two find their passion rekindled as they are swept up in the fall of Russias Czarist regime and the events of the 1917 Revolution.

Reunidos como profesionales, los dos encuentran reavivada su pasión cuando se ven arrastrados por la caída del régimen zarista de Rusia y los acontecimientos de la Revolución de 1917.

The second part of the film takes place shortly after the publication of Ten Days that Shook the World.

La segunda parte de la película tiene lugar poco después de la publicación de Diez días que estremecieron al mundo.

Inspired by the idealism of the Revolution, Reed attempts to bring the spirit of Communism to the United States, because he is disillusioned with the policies imposed upon Communist Russia by Grigory Zinoviev and the Bolsheviks.

Inspirado por el idealismo de la Revolución, Reed intenta llevar el espíritu del comunismo a los Estados Unidos, porque está desilusionado con las políticas impuestas a la Rusia comunista por Grigory Zinoviev y los bolcheviques.

While attempting to leave Europe, he is briefly imprisoned and interrogated in Finland.

Mientras intenta salir de Europa, es encarcelado e interrogado brevemente en Finlandia.

He returns to Russia and is reunited with Bryant at the railway station in Moscow.

Regresa a Rusia y se reencuentra con Bryant en la estación de tren de Moscú.

By this point, Reed is growing progressively weaker as a result of spotted typhus.

En este punto, Reed se está debilitando progresivamente como resultado del tifus manchado.

Bryant helps nurse the ailing Reed, who eventually dies.

Bryant ayuda a cuidar a Reed, quien finalmente muere.

2 Replies to “20201126_SPANISH_12_06”

  1. 20201126_SPANISH_12_06 lmknjb.com

    The eighth sentence of this podcast has been split into two parts, resulting in reading errors in all languages presented for translation.
    At the end of the first line, the name of the US townSt. Louishas been split between two lines with the translation attributing the pronunciation « s t » to the written abbreviation «Stwhich should be spoken in full as the word «Saint» – in English, as its equivalent in whatever translation language is presented.

    ENG PT1 of sentence
    Obsessed with changing the world, he grows restless and heads for St.
    SPAN PT1 of sentence
    Obsesionado con cambiar el mundo, se inquieta y se dirige a St.
    ENG PT2 of sentence
    Louis to cover the 1916 Democratic Convention.
    SPAN PT2 of sentence
    Louis para cubrir la Convención Demócrata de 1916.

    This appears to be the only sentence, in this transcript, with an obvious error.

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