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Schools, hotels in the North to close.
Scoileanna, tithe ósta sa Tuaisceart le dúnadh.
Schools in the North will be closed for two weeks from next Monday and further restrictions will be imposed in the hospitality sector in a bid to control the incidence of Covid-19 disease.
Dúnfar scoileanna sa Tuaisceart ar feadh coicíse ón Luan seo chugainn agus cuirfear tuilleadh srianta i bhfeidhm san earnáil fáilteachais féachaint le líon na gcásanna den ghalar covid 19 a chur faoi smacht.
It was announced this afternoon that four more have died with Covid-19 in the North since yesterday and that there are 1,217 new cases.
Fógraíodh tráthnóna go bhfuil ceathrar eile básaithe le covid 19 sa Tuaisceart ó inné agus go bhfuil 1,217 cás nua ann.
That’s the largest number of cases reported in a single day since the start of the pandemic.
Sin an líon is mó cásanna a tuairiscíodh in aon lá amháin ó thús na paindéime.
Northern Prime Minister Arlene Foster announced the new restrictions at the Stormont assembly this morning.
Dfhógair Céad-Aire an Tuaiscirt Arlene Foster na srianta úra i gcomhthionól Stormont ar maidin.
Schools will be closed until November 2, when the situation will be reviewed.
Beidh na scoileanna dúnta go dtí 2 Samhain, tráth a dhéanfar athbhreithniú ar an scéal.
From next Friday, pubs will be closed and people will not be allowed to eat in restaurants.
Ón Aoine seo chugainn, dúnfar tithe tábhairne agus ní bheidh cead ag daoine béile a chaitheamh i mbialanna.
Food will still be allowed to be delivered or people may bring food with them.
Beidh cead fós bia a sheachadadh nó féadfaidh daoine bia a bhreith leo.
These restrictions will last for four weeks.
Mairfidh na srianta seo ceithre seachtaine.
Off-license stores will have to close at 8pm.
Beidh ar shiopaí eischeadúnais dúnadh ag 8 a chlog san oíche.
Unnecessary travel will also be restricted and only 25 people will be allowed to attend funerals.
Beidh srianta freisin ar thaisteal nach bhfuil riachtanach agus ní bheidh cead ach ag 25 duine dul ar shochraid.
Third level colleges will be asked to do as much tuition as possible online.
Iarrfar ar choláistí tríú leibhéal an oiread teagaisc agus is féidir leo a dhéanamh ar líne.
Covid-19 cases are the most reported between Britain and Ireland in the city council area of Derry and Strabane.
Is i gceantar comhairle chathair Dhoire agus an tSratha Báin is mó atá cásanna covid 19 á dtuairisciú idir an Bhreatain agus Éire.
That region has an average of 970 cases per 100,000 people per week.
Tá 970 cás in aghaidh gach 100,000 duine sa tseachtain ar an meán sa réigiún sin.
It was announced yesterday that another seven had died with Covid-19 in the North and that there were 863 new cases.
Fógraíodh inné go raibh seachtar eile básaithe le covid 19 sa Tuaisceart agus go raibh 863 cás nua ann.
Covid-19 has killed 602 people in the North since the start of the pandemic and has infected 23,115 people.
Tá 602 duine básaithe le covid 19 sa Tuaisceart ó thús na paindéime agus tá sé tolgtha ag 23,115 duine ann.
7,503 of these cases were reported in eight days.
Is le hocht lá a tuairiscíodh 7,503 de na cásanna sin.
Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill said an all-Ireland strategy should be put in place to tackle Covid-19.
Dúirt an LeasChéad-Aire Michelle ONeill gur chóir straitéis uile-Éireann a bhunú le dul i ngleic le covid 19.
That is not a political point, she argued, it is a medical and scientific point.
Ní pointe polaitiúil é sin, a mhaígh sí, is pointe leighis agus eolaíochta é.