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The social, economic life of the capital to be restrained again.

Saol sóisialta, eacnamaíochta na príomhchathrach le srianadh arís.

The Government will today discuss the recommendation made by the National Public Health Emergency Team that additional restrictions be introduced in Dublin with a view to preventing the spread of Covid-19 disease.

Pléifidh an Rialtas inniu an moladh atá déanta ag an bhFoireann Náisiúnta Éigeandála Sláinte Poiblí go dtabharfaí isteach srianta breise i mBaile Átha Cliath féachaint le forleathadh an ghalair covid 19 a chosc.

The Level 3 restrictions will be as set out in the Government’s six-month plan announced last Tuesday.

Srianta Leibhéal 3 a bheas i gceist de réir mar atá leagtha amach i bplean sé mhí an Rialtas a fógraíodh Dé Máirt seo caite.

People living in Dublin will be asked to stay in the county and people in the rest of the country will be asked not to travel to Dublin, except to go to work or to go to school or college.

Iarrfar ar dhaoine atá ag cur fúthu i mBaile Átha Cliath fanacht sa chontae agus iarrfar ar dhaoine sa chuid eile den tír gan taisteal go Baile Átha Cliath, ach amháin le dul ag obair nó le dul chuig scoil nó coláiste.

The Emergency Team has also requested that people not be allowed to eat indoors in hotels or restaurants in Dublin for a number of weeks.

Tá iarrtha ag an bhFoireann Éigeandála freisin nach mbeadh cead ag daoine ithe taobh istigh i dtithe ósta ná i mbialanna i mBaile Átha Cliath as seo go ceann roinnt seachtainí.

However, restaurants and pubs are strongly opposed to this.

Tá na bialanna agus na tithe tábhairne ag cur go láidir ina aghaidh seo, áfach.

The restaurant representative association said the rise in cases of coronavirus in Dublin is related to homes rather than restaurants.

Dúirt cumann ionadaíochta na mbialann go mbaineann an t-ardú ar chásanna den choróinvíreas i mBaile Átha Cliath le tithe cónaithe seachas le bialanna.

They are amazed, they said, that the new restrictions are proposed and they have no expectations.

Tá alltacht orthu, a dúirt siad, go bhfuil na srianta nua molta agus gan súil ar bith acu leo.

They claimed that the proposed deal could disrupt 50,000 people working in the sector in Dublin.

Mhaígh siad go bhféadfadh a bhfuil molta cur as do 50,000 duine atá ag obair san earnáil i mBaile Átha Cliath.

The pubs said they could not deduce the suggestion as the figures show that only a small number of recent cases of the disease are associated with pubs that provide food.

Dúirt na tábhairneoirí nach féidir leosan aon mheabhair a bhaint as an moladh ó léiríonn na figiúirí nach bhfuil baint ach ag roinnt bheag de na cásanna is deireanaí den ghalar le tithe tábhairne a chuireann bia ar fáil.

Leaders of the major sporting organizations are to appear before the Covid-19 Committee of the Oireachtas today, where they will announce that they have lost millions of euros due to the health crisis.

Tá ceannairí na bpríomheagraíochtaí spóirt le teacht os comhair Choiste covid 19 an Oireachtais inniu, mar a dtabharfaidh siad le fios go bhfuil na milliúin euro caillte acu mar gheall ar an ngéarchéim sláinte.

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