
Original Podcast with clickable words


The next world.

An chéad domhan eile.

There was a time and not too long ago when the world was divided into three parts, as they were called the first, second and third world respectively.

Bhí tráth ann agus ní rófhada ó shin é nuair a roinntí an domhan ina thrí chuid, mar a thugtaí an chéad, an dara agus an tríú domhan orthu faoi seach.

We were the first, the most developed fat countries, the second the Communist- ruled states, and the shackles of all other peoples into the third world itself.

Ba sinne, na tíortha ramhra rófhorbartha an chéad cheann díobh, na stáit faoi réimeas Cumannach an dara ceann, agus shactaí gach muintir eile isteach sa tríú domhan féin.

I never thought this ‘third world’ was a bit offensive, but the neat mind probably has to devise boxes for itself.

Cheapas riamh go raibh ‘an tríú domhan’ seo ábhairín maslach, ach is dócha go gcaithfidh an intínn néata boscaí a cheapadh di féin.

The truth would be to call my status directly, ‘the poor countries’, or ‘the exploited countries’ on their status.

Bheadh an fhírinne rólom go díreach, ‘na tíortha bochta’, nó ‘na tíortha go ndéantar dúshaothrú orthu’ a ghairm ar a stádas.

They then went on to call them ‘the developing world’, many of which were not developing but declining.

Ina dhiaidh sin cromadh ar ‘an domhan faoi fhorbairt’ a thabhairt orthu, fág nach ag forbairt ach ag meathlú a bhí go leor díobh.

These simple categories are more difficult to establish anymore, because while we have the G7 of the most wealthy and money-making countries in their mammoths, the E7, that is, those other states that are catching up or violating them , such as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, Turkey and Mexico.

Is deacra na catagóirí simplí seo a shuíomh níos mó, óir cé go bhfuil an G7 againn de na tíortha is mó maoin agus airgead acu ina mámanna, tá an E7, is é sin, na stáit eile sin atá ag breith suas orthu nó á sárú, leithéid an tSín, an India, an Bhrasaíl, an Indinéis, an Rúis, an Tuirc agus Meicsiceó.

These can hardly be made into a simple block but as diverse as they are.

Ar éigean gur feidir bloc simplí a dhéanamh astu sin ach an oiread a éagsúlaí is atá siad.

Part of our blindness is that we have seen individual events rather than the direction in which the world is going.

Cuid den daille atá orainn ná gur léire dúinn eachtraí aonair seachas an treo a bhfuil an domhan ag dul.

Part of the disease of tabloid newspapers is the beginning of the marriage wreck of some former movie stars on their way out the door rather than any sort of screening of what is going on around us.

Cuid de ghalar na nuachtán táblóideacha é seo tús a thabhairt do raic phósta iar-réaltaí scannán éigin ar a slí an doras amach seachas aon saghas scagtha a dhéanamh ar a bhfuil ar siúl inár dtimpeall.

The main sources of news are hardly much better when it is only the care of the day that scams them.

Ar éigean go bhfuil na príomhfhoinsí nuachta mórán níos fearr nuair is é cúram an lae seo amháin a bhíonn ag déanamh scime dóibh.

It may not be their business to look backwards or forwards, but it did not matter what happened to us.

B’fhéidir nach é a ngnó féachaint siar ná ar aghaidh, ach níor mhiste ar tharla lenár linn féin a ghrinneadh.

First of all, yes, despite the gloom, the world ‘s big problems have improved.

Ar an gcéad dul síos, is ea, in ainneoin na gruaime, tá feabhas mór tagtha ar leadhbanna móra den domhan.

There are now 6 billion people who can read and write, that is the vast majority of the world; and more people have flown through the gates of the university and out the other side in the last twenty years than ever before for all the centuries already put together.

Tá 6 billiún duine anois a bhfuil léamh agus scríobh acu, is é sin formhór mór an domhain; agus ghabh níos mó daoine trí gheataí na hollscoile agus amach an taobh eile le fiche bliain anuas ná mar a tharla riamh ar na céadta bliain go léir cheana a chur le chéile.

States that have been poor to extinction a generation ago have developed tremendously.

Tá forbairt thar cuimse tagtha ar stáit a bhí bocht go héag glúin ó shin.

When some of us were young we were urged to drink our cabbage soup because millions of kids in China were dying of hunger, even though I didn’t understand how I could launch my own dish that far.

Nuair a bhí cuid againn óg bhítí ag tathant orainn ár gcuid anraith cabáiste a ól mar go raibh na milliúin páistí sa tSín ag fáil bháis den ocras, cé nár thuigeas conas ab fheidir liom mo mhias féin a sheoladh an fad sin.

but 800 million Chinese were lifted out of the poverty pit in a very short time.

ach ardaíodh 800 milliún Síneach amach as sloc na bochtaineachta i dtréimhse an-ghairid.

The misery of the people of Pakistan has been cut in half over the last 10 years.

Gearradh ainnise na ndaoine sa Phacastáin ina dhá leath le 10 mbliana anuas.

The life expectancy of the people of Rwanda has doubled with us, and its ambiguity for changes for the better can be felt across parts of Africa and most of Asia.

Tá ionchas saoil mhuintir Ruanda dúblaithe lenár linn, agus is féidir a amhlachas sin d’athruithe chun feabhais a áireamh ar fud codanna den Afraic agus formhór na hÁisia.

Bill Clinton (do you remember?) Warned America that they must prepare for the time when they would be ‘number two’, second in the world.

Thug Bill Clinton (an cuimhin leat é?) foláireamh do Mheiriceá go gcaithfeadh siad ullmhú don uair go mbeadh siad mar ‘uimhir a dó’, ina dtánaiste ar an domhain.

It was a bold thing to say.

Ba mhisniúil an rud é a rá.

But the stark reality is that China and India were the two strongest economies ever until the early 19th century.

Ach is é lomchlár na fírinne gurbh iad an tSín agus an India an dá gheilleagar ba láidre riamh go dtí tús an 19ú haois.

And there will be again.

Agus beidh arís.

It looks as if Europe ‘s central interface and its seed are about to be over.

Tá gach cuma air go bhfuil eadarlúid cheannais na hEorpa agus a síl geall le bheith thart.

The three most populous states in the world are under their control in Asia.

An trí stát is líonmhaire daonra ar domhan is san Áise atá siad faoina gceannas féin.

Africa will have two and a half billion people in thirty years with strong legs.

Beidh dhá billiún go leith duine san Afraic i gceann tríocha bliain agus cosa láidre fúthu.

What do we do then?

Cad a dhéanfaimid ansin?

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