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Less than 20 countries to be on the ” Green List ” – estimated.

Níos lú ná 20 tír le bheith ar an Liosta Glas- meastar.

It is estimated that fewer than 20 countries will be on the ” Green List ” for countries where people can travel.

Meastar go mbeidh níos lú ná 20 tír ar an Liosta Glas do thíortha ina mbeidh cead taistil ag daoine chucu.

The green list will be published on Monday.

Foilseofar an liosta glas Dé Luain.

The United States and Britain are not expected to be on the list.

Ní cheaptar go mbeidh na Stáit Aontaithe ná an Bhreatain ar an liosta.

Earlier today Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said the Government will not put the United States on the list for travel-safe countries.

Níos luaithe inniu dúirt an tAire Gnóthaí Eachtracha,Simon Coveney nach mbeidh an Rialtas ag cur na Stát Aontaithe ar an liosta do thíortha atá sábháilte do dhaoine ó thaobh cúrsaí taistil.

He told him he did not think Britain would be on the Green list either.

Dúirt sé leis nach dóigh leis go mbeidh an Bhreatain ar an liosta Glas ach an oiread.

The list is due to be published on Monday and Simon Coveney said it will not be a long list.

Táthar leis an liosta a fhoilsiú Dé Luain agus dúirt Simon Coveney nach liosta fada a bheidh ann.

Anyone traveling to Ireland from any Green List country will not have to self- isolate for 14 days.

Ní bheidh ar aon duine atá ag taisteal chun na hÉireann ó aon tír a bheidh ar an Liosta Glas féin-aonrú a dhéanamh ar feadh 14 lá déag.

However, people coming from countries not on the Green list will have to follow restrictions.

Beidh ar dhaoine atá ag teacht ó thíortha nach bhfuil ar an liosta Glas áfach srianta a leanúint.

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