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Relaxation of restrictions in the North.

Srianta á maolú sa Tuaisceart.

For the first time since Christmas, hairdressers and beauty services are open to the public today in Northern Ireland.

Don chéad uair ón Nollaig, tá gruaigeadóirí agus seirbhísí áilleachta oscailte inniu don phobal i dTuaisceart Éireann.

Restrictions are being eased significantly north from today.

Tá na srianta á maolú go suntasach ó thuaidh ón lá inniu amach.

People will now be allowed to cut or style their hair in the various venues that will be open.

Ceadófar do dhaoine a gcuid gruaige a ghearradh nó a chóiriú sna hionaid éagsúla anois a bheidh oscailte.

Stephen finally left that which was allowed for them.

Láil Stiofáin go deiridh a ceadaíodh é sin dóibh.

Barbers and hairdressers have been open since early morning in the North to satisfy this huge demand.

Tá bearbóirí agus gruaigeadóirí ar oscailt ó mhoch maidine sa Tuaisceart leis an éileamh ollmhór seo a shásamh.

In sports, clubs may return to competitive play, although no spectators will be allowed to attend.

I gcúrsaí spóirt, féadfaidh cumainn dul ar ais i mbun imeartha go hiomaitheach, cé nach mbeidh aon chead lucht féachana a bheith i láthair.

A week from today, it is intended to further ease restrictions while allowing unnecessary stores to open.

Seachtain ó inniu, tá sé i gceist go maolófaí srianta tuilleadh agus deis á fáil ag siopaí neamhriachtanacha oscailt.

However, pubs and hotels are not scheduled to open until 24 May.

Níl sé i gceist áfach go n-osclódh tithe tabhairne agus óstáin go dtí an 24 Bealtaine.

But the Stormont Executive indicated that date could be brought forward if the build-up rate of the virus remains low.

Ach thug Feidhmeannas Stormont le fios go bhféadfaí an dáta sin a thabhairt chun cinn má bhíonn an ráta tógála den víreas fós íseal.

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