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6 weeks before cases are under 100 per day.
6 seachtaine sula mbeidh cásanna faoi bhun 100 in aghaidh an lae.
It will be at least six weeks – says Professor Philip Nolan of the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) – before the number of cases of Covid 19 disease falls below 100 cases per day.
Beidh sé sé seachtaine, ar a laghad – a deir an tOllamh Philip Nolan ón bhFoireann Náisiúnta Éigeandála Sláinte Poiblí (NPHET) – sula dtitfidh líon na gcásanna den ghalar Covid 19 faoi bhun 100 cás in aghaidh an lae.
He pointed out that while the number of people hospitalized with the disease has decreased, the number of cases is still too high.
Thug se le fios gur cé go bhfuil laghdú tagtha ar líon na ndaoine san ospidéal leis an ngalar, go bhfuil líon na gcásanna fós ró-ard.
“Last week, by all the criteria we have,” he said, “things were worse than they ever were during 2020.
“An tseachtain seo caite, de réir gach slat tomhais atá againn”, a dúirt sé, “bhí cúrsaí níb mheasa ná mar a bhí siad am ar bith i rith 2020.
Covid 19 has 170 people in the country ‘s intensive care units.
Tá 170 duine in aonaid dianchúraim na tíre le Covid 19.
That’s very high. ”
Tá sé sin ana-ard ar fad.”
He expects, he said, that the number of cases will fall below between 200 and 400 per day by the beginning of March.
Tá sé ag súil, a dúirt sé, go dtitfidh líon na gcásanna faoi bhun idir 200 agus 400 in aghaidh an lae faoi thús mhí an Mhárta.
And below 200 per day by the end of March.
Agus faoi bhun 200 in aghaidh an lae faoi dheireadh mhí an Mhárta.
He argued that two approaches were needed to get the upper hand on Covid 19; to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and to dispense a vaccine to protect against it.
Mhaígh sé gur gá dhá chur chuige a úsáid chun an lámh in uachtar a fháil ar Covid 19; leathadh an choróinvíris a chosc agus vacsaín a dháileadh chun cosaint a chur ar fáil ina aghaidh.
He pointed out that the public has the capacity to prevent the spread of the virus and if they succeed in doing so, the government will have the option of focusing on other priorities, for example, reopening schools.
Thug sé le fios go bhfuil sé de chumas ag an bpobal leathadh an víris a chosc agus má éiríonn leo é sin a dhéanamh, go mbeidh sé de rogha ag an rialtas díriú ar phriarachtaí eile, mar shampla, ar scoileanna a oscailt in athuair.