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Additional restrictions Covid-19: “personal responsibility that will redeem us”.

Srianta breise covid 19: “freagracht phearsanta a fhuasclós sinn”.

The Government has announced additional Covid-19 restrictions as a result of the restrictions already in place.

Tá srianta breise covid 19 ar dhroim na srianta atá i bhfeidhm cheana féin fógartha ag an Rialtas.

Speaking at Government Houses this afternoon, Taoiseach Micheál Martin said that the presence of a vaccine could cause huge damage if people become negligent.

Ag labhairt dó ag Tithe an Rialtais tráthnóna, dúirt an Taoiseach Micheál Martin go bhféadfaí damáiste ollmhór a dhéanamh dá n- éireodh daoine faillíoch de bharr vacsaín a bheith ann anois.

He pointed out that it is the personal responsibility and good behavior of people that will set us free from adversity.

Thug sé le fios gurb iad freagracht phearsanta agus dea-iompar daoine a fhuasclós sinn ón gcruachás.

While we have dealt well with the crisis so far, said Micheál Martin, the period ahead may still be the most challenging for her.

Cé go ndeachamar i ngleic go maith leis an ngéarchéim go dtí seo, a dúirt Micheál Martin, dfhéadfadh an tréimhse atá amach romhainn a bheith ar an gcuid is dúshlánaí di fós.

The Government confirmed at a meeting today that the country ‘s schools will be closed from next Monday due to the pandemic, but that Leaving Certificate students will still be allowed to go to school three days a week.

Dheimhnigh an Rialtas ag cruinniú a bhí acu inniu go mbeidh scoileanna na tíre dúnta ón Luan seo chugainn mar gheall ar an bpaindéim, ach go mbeidh cead fós ag daltaí Ardteistiméireachta dul ar scoil trí lá sa tseachtain.

It is up to the schools to decide which days to choose.

Is iad na scoileanna féin a shocrós cé na laethanta a bheas i gceist.

This arrangement will last until the end of the month.

Mairfidh an socrú seo go dtí deireadh na míosa.

Preschools and crèches will be closed, except for vulnerable children and children whose parents work in essential services.

Dúnfar réamhscoileanna agus naíolanna, ach amháin do leanaí leochaileacha agus leanaí a bhfuil a dtuismitheoirí ag obair i seirbhísí riachtanacha.

It was also agreed at the meeting that many construction sites that do not require essential works will be closed at 6pm on Friday.

Socraíodh ag an gcruinniú freisin go ndúnfar go leor láithreacha tógála nach bhfuil obair riachtanach ar bun iontu ag 6 a chlog tráthnóna Dé hAoine.

Construction projects relating to health, education, social housing, road and rail maintenance, public utilities and foreign direct investment will be permitted to proceed.

Beidh cead leanacht le tograí tógála a bhaineann le cúrsaí sláinte, cúrsaí oideachais, tithíocht shóisialta, cothabháil bóithre agus iarnróid, fóntais phoiblí agus infheistíocht dhíreach eachtrach.

Individual traders such as electricians, plumbers and carpenters will also be allowed to work on an emergency call basis.

Beidh cead freisin ag trádálaithe aonair fearacht leictreoirí, pluiméirí agus siúnéirí dul ag obair ar bhonn glao éigeandála.

Pubs, restaurants and cafes will be allowed to provide a takeaway service but take-away liquor will be prohibited.

Beidh cead ag tithe tábhairne, bialanna agus caifí seirbhís bia beir leat a chur ar fáil ach beidh cosc ar dheochanna meisciúla beir leat.

In terms of travel, people entering the country from abroad will have to prove that they have not had Covid-19 for the previous three days.

Maidir le cúrsaí taistil de, beidh ar dhaoine a thiocfas isteach sa tír ón iasacht cruthúnas a bheith acu nach raibh covid 19 orthu le trí lá roimhe sin.

Still, they have to stay away from others for a fortnight.

Fós féin, caithfidh siad fanacht amach ó dhaoine eile ar feadh coicíse.

That rule will apply from next Saturday and will initially involve people from Britain and South Africa.

Beidh feidhm leis an riail sin ón Satharn seo chugainn agus daoine a thagann ón mBreatain agus ón Afraic Theas a bheas i gceist i dtosach.

While all of these new rules will be in place until the end of this month, it is expected that they will be extended to some or all of them.

Cé go mbeidh na rialacha nua seo ar fad i bhfeidhm go dtí deireadh na míosa seo, ceaptar go gcuirfear síneadh leo nó le cuid acu.

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