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Israel’s attack on Lebanon: 50 children, 94 women among the dead.

Ionsaí Iosrael ar an Liobáin: 50 leanbh, 94 bean i measc na marbh.

The Israeli military forces carried out more bombing attacks on centers in the south of Lebanon during the night after they killed almost over 500 people in a major attack they carried out on that country yesterday.

Rinne fórsaí míleata Iosrael tuilleadh ionsaithe buamála ar ionaid i ndeisceart na Liobáine i gcaitheamh na hoíche tar éis dóibh beagnach os cionn 500 duine a mharú i mórionsaí a rinneadar ar an tír sin inné.

According to the Lebanese Government, 558 people were killed and 1,835 injured when Israeli military jets fired missiles at places in southern and eastern Lebanon yesterday.

De réir Rialtas na Liobáine, maraíodh 558 duine agus leonadh 1,835 duine eile nuair a scaoil scairdeitleáin mhíleata Iosreal diúracáin le háiteanna i ndeisceart agus in oirthear na Liobáine inné.

50 children and 94 women were among the dead, it was said.

Bhí 50 leanbh agus 94 bean i measc na marbh, a dúradh.

Thousands of families have fled – and are still fleeing – from the villages that are being unleashed by the violent Israelis.

Tá na mílte teaghlach teite – agus ag teitheadh fós – ó na sráidbhailte a bhfuil fíoch forneartmhar na nIosraelach á ligean amach orthu.

The Israelis confirmed that they had fired missiles from the air and from the ground at dozens of locations in Lebanon during the night and that they were aimed at Hezbollah bases.

Dhearbhaigh na hIosraelaigh gur scaoil siad na frasa diuracán ón aer agus ón talamh leis na dosaein ionad sa Liobáin i gcaitheamh na hoíche agus gur ar bhunáiteanna le Hezbollah a bhíodar dírithe.

The Israelis also said that their bombs hit about 1,300 locations in Lebanon yesterday and claimed that many members of Hezbollah were killed.

Dúirt na hIosraelaigh freisin gur bhuail a gcuid buamaí thart ar 1,300 ionad sa Liobáin inné agus mhaígh gur maraíodh mórán comhaltaí de Hezbollah dá mbarr.

According to the head of foreign affairs of the European Union, Josep Borrell, “almost a war” is now underway in Lebanon and said that civilians are paying dearly for it.

Dar le ceannasaí gnóthaí eachtracha an Aontais Eorpaigh, Josep Borrell, gur “cogadh nach mór” atá ar bun sa Liobáin anois agus dúirt go bhfuil sibhialtaigh ag íoc go daor as.

He called for every diplomatic effort to be made with a view to preventing total war.

D’iarr sé gach iarracht taidheoireachta a dhéanamh le dúil cogadh iomlán a chosc.

France has requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the crisis.

Tá cruinnú éigeandála de Chomhairle Slándála na Náisiún Aontaithe iarrtha ag an bhFrainc leis an ngéarchéim a phlé.

A spokesman for the American Government said that “the United States does not support the escalation of hostilities across the border between Israel and Hezbollah”.

Dúirt urlabhraí ó Rialtas Mheiriceá “nach dtacaíonn na Stáit Aonaithe le géarú na cogaíochta trasna na teorann idir Iosrael agus Hezbollah”.

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