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Heavy bombing of Gaza: 260,000 people evacuated.

Tréanbhuamáil Gaza: 260,000 duine aslonnaithe.

The United Nations says that over 260,000 people have been evacuated in Gaza due to the heavy Israeli bombardment of the place for four days.

Deir na Náisiúin Aontaithe go bhfuil os cionn 260,000 duine aslonnaithe in Gaza mar gheall ar an mbuamáil thréan atá na hIosraelaigh a dhéanamh ar an áit le ceithre lá.

The United Nations believes that thousands more will still be evacuated and the Israelis are determined to exact revenge on the Palestinians of Gaza for the destructive attack by Hamas in Israel last weekend.

Creideann na Náisiúin Aontaithe go n-aslonnófar na mílte eile fós agus rún daingean ag na hIosraelaigh díoltas a agairt ar Phalaistínigh Gaza as an sléacht millteach a rinne Hamas in Iosrael an deireadh seachtaine seo caite.

Over 1,000 people were killed in Israel – the vast majority of them civilians – when members of Hamas carried out a major raid in the south of the country on Saturday.

Maraíodh os cionn 1,000 duine in Iosrael – sibhialtaigh a bhformhór mór – nuair a thug comhaltaí Hamas mór-ruathar faoi dheisceart na tíre ar an Satharn.

Young children are reported to be among the dead in kibbutz Kfar Aza, one of the first places Hamas attacked.

Tuairiscítear leanaí óga a bheith i measc na marbh in kibbutz Kfar Aza, ceann de na chéad áiteanna a d’ionsaigh Hamas.

900 Palestinians have been killed and thousands more injured by the Israelis in Gaza since then.

Áirítear 900 Palaisínteach a bheith maraithe agus na mílte eile a bheith gortaithe ag na hIosraelaigh in Gaza ó shin.

It is reported that 175,500 people have sought shelter in 88 schools with the United Nations, that 14,500 people are sheltered in twelve other schools and that another 74,000 people are still living in various buildings throughout Gaza.

Tuairiscítear go bhfuil dídean lorgtha ag 175,500 duine in 88 scoil leis na Náisiúin Aonaithe, go bhfuil 14,500 duine ar foscadh in dhá scoil déag eile agus go bhfuil 74,000 duine eile fós ag cur fúthu i bhfoirgnimh éagsúla ar fud Gaza.

The United Nations also says that it is a big challenge to provide food for the general population in Gaza, not to mention all the refugees, since the Israelis have implemented a blockade around the area.

Deir na Náisiúin Aontaithe freisin gur mór an dúshlán riar a gcáis a chur ar fáil don phobal trí chéile in Gaza, gan trácht ar na dídeanaithe ar fad, ó tá imshuí curtha i bhfeidhm timpeall an limistéir ag na hIosraelaigh.

The Israelis are not allowing food, water or any other supplies into Gaza as they face an all-out invasion of the enclave.

Níl bia, uisce ná aon soláthairtí eile á ligean isteach in Gaza ag na hIosraelaigh agus iad ag fáil faoi réir le hionradh uileghabhálach a dhéanamh ar an iamhchríoch.

The representative of the Palestinian Authority in the United Nations has accused the Israelis of genocide and war crimes.

Tá cinedhíothú agus coireanna cogaidh curtha i leith na nIosraelach ag toscaire Údarás na Palaistíne sna Náisiúin Aontaithe.

RTÉ News and Current Affairs Gaza City, 11 October 2023

Nuacht agus Cúrsaí Reatha RTÉ Cathair Gaza, 11 Deireadh Fómhair 2023

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