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US bank robber identified after decades-long hunt.
Praedo US ripam identified post decennium-longum venationem.
The fugitive behind one of America’s most notorious bank robberies has been identified after a 52-year search, law enforcement officials have announced.
Fugitivus post unam latrociniarum notissimarum riparum Americae notissimas post inquisitionem 52 annorum, magistratus cogendi nuntiaverunt.
Ted Conrad was working as a teller at the Society National Bank in Cleveland, Ohio when he robbed his employer in July 1969.
Ted Conradus laborabat ut narrator apud Societatem Nationalem Bank in Cleveland, Ohio cum conductorem suum spoliavit mense Iulio anno MCMLXIX.
He disappeared with $215,000, worth $1.7m (£1.2m) today.
Discessit cum $215,000, valentia $1.7m (£1.2m) hodie.
Investigators from the US Marshals Service said he subsequently lived a quiet and unassuming life.
Indagatores a Service US marescalli dixit se postea vitam quietam et modestam vixisse.
Conrad, who died in May from lung cancer, was just 20 years old when he pulled off the heist.
Conradus, qui mense Maio e cancro pulmone mortuus est, mox XX annorum erat cum RAPTUS evulsit.
He reportedly took advantage of the bank’s lacklustre security, walking out with the money stuffed into a brown paper bag as the branch closed on a Friday evening.
Ille parem securitatem argentariis securitatis circumtulit, ambulans cum pecunia referta in sacco chartaceo fusco, sicut ramus die Veneris vesperi clausus est.
By the time other bank employees realised the money was gone two days later, Conrad had disappeared.
Per tempus alteram ripam conductos pecuniam intellexit biduo post abiit, Conradus evanuit.
He sparked a manhunt that would last for more than half a century, and went on to feature on television shows like America’s Most Wanted and Unsolved Mysteries.
Hominem excitavit qui plus quam dimidium saeculum duraret, et in televisificis spectaculis sicut American’s Most Wanted and Insoluta mysteria ivit.
According to the Marshal Service, Conrad had allegedly told friends of his plans to rob the bank and boasted about how easy it would be to do.
Secundum Mareschallum, Conradus dixit amicos consilia sua ripae spoliare asserta et iactasse quam facile id facturum esse.
He was reportedly obsessed with the 1968 Steve McQueen heist film, The Thomas Crown Affair, and watched it more than a dozen times during his preparation for the robbery.
Is parem obsessum cum 1968 Steve McQueen cinematographico cinematographico, The Thomas Crown Affair, eum plusquam duodecim tempora in praeparatione ad rapinam observavit.
Marshals say that after his disappearance Conrad changed his name to Thomas Randele and fled to Washington DC and Los Angeles, before eventually settling in a Boston suburb around 1000km (621 miles) away from the scene of the crime.
Imperatores dicunt post obitum suum Conradum nomen suum Thomae Randele mutatum profugisse Washington DC et Los Angeles, antequam tandem in suburbio Bostoniensi circa 1000km (621 milia passuum) ab scaena criminis remotum.
Investigators say he subsequently lived a quiet and unassuming life, and the New York Times reported that he had spent the past 40 years working as a golf professional and at a used-car dealership.
Indagatores dicunt eum postea vitam quietam et incorruptam vixisse, et New York Times rettulerunt se ante quadraginta annos laborantes in golfae professionali et in usu car-merali.
The case remained cold for decades before investigators, alerted by the appearance of Randele’s obituary in a newspaper, were able to match papers he had filed during the 1960s with documents “Randele” had completed more recently.
Casus frigidus permansit ante decenniis ante inquisitores, specie obituarii Randele in ephemeride excitati, chartas congruit quas per 1960 interposita cum documentis “Randele” recentius compleverat.
Ironically, this included papers from Randele’s bankruptcy case in a Boston court in 2014.
Ironice, haec tabulae decoctionis Randele in causa in curia Bostoniensi anno MMXIV inclusa sunt.
Marshal Peter Elliott was one of the lead investigators on the case.
Marshal Petrus Elliott unus ex inquisitoribus plumbi causa fuit.
He inherited it from his father John, who had been obsessed with finding out what became of the daring thief.
Hanc a patre Johanne, qui obsessus fuerat, comperto quid furis audacis fieret, hereditavit.
“My father never stopped searching for Conrad and always wanted closure up until his death in 2020,” Mr Elliott said.
“Pater meus numquam destitit quaerere Conradum et semper clausuram usque ad mortem suam anno 2020 voluit”, Mr Elliott dixit.
“I hope my father is resting a little easier today knowing his investigation and his United States Marshals Service brought closure to this decades-long mystery.”
“Spero pater meus parum facilior hodie requiescit cognoscens investigationem suam et servitii eius United States Marsalienses huic decenniis claudendi longi mysterii”.