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Raiders of the Lost Ark is a 1981 American action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Lawrence Kasdan based on a story by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman.
Scannán gníomhaíochta-eachtraíochta Meiriceánach 1981 é Raiders of the Lost Ark faoi stiúir Steven Spielberg agus scríofa ag Lawrence Kasdan bunaithe ar scéal le George Lucas agus Philip Kaufman.
It stars Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies and Denholm Elliott.
Is iad Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies agus Denholm Elliott na réaltaí.
In 1936, American archaeologist Indiana Jones overcomes an ancient booby-trapped temple in Peru to retrieve a golden idol.
I 1936, sáraíonn an seandálaí Meiriceánach Indiana Jones teampall ársa booby- gafa i Peiriú chun idol órga a aisghabháil.
Though betrayed by his guides and cornered by rival archaeologist René Belloq and an indigenous tribe, Jones escapes in a waiting seaplane; Belloq steals the idol for himself.
Cé go ndearna a threoraithe feall air agus é cornered ag an seandálaí iomaíocha René Belloq agus treibh dhúchasach, éalaíonn Jones i seaplane feithimh; Goidfidh Belloq an idol dó féin.
After returning to America, Jones is approached by two Army Intelligence agents.
Tar éis dó filleadh ar Mheiriceá, tá beirt ghníomhairí Faisnéise Airm i dteagmháil le Jones.
They reveal Nazis are excavating Tanis, and one of their telegrams mentions Joness old mentor Abner Ravenwood.
Nochtann siad go bhfuil na Naitsithe ag tochailt Tanis, agus luann duine dá dteileagraim sean-mheantóir Jones, Abner Ravenwood.
Jones deduces that the Nazis are searching for the Ark of the Covenant, which Hitler believes will make their army invincible, and the agents recruit Jones to recover the Ark first.
Measann Jones go bhfuil na Naitsithe ag cuardach Áirc an Chúnaint, a chreideann Hitler a fhágfaidh go mbeidh a n-arm dosháraithe, agus earcaíonn na gníomhairí Jones chun an Áirc a aisghabháil ar dtús.
Jones travels to Nepal to recover the “headpiece to the staff of Ra”, a medallion used to locate the Ark, from Ravenwood.
Taistealaíonn Jones go Neipeal chun an “ceannphíosa d’fhoireann Ra” a aisghabháil, bonn a úsáidtear chun an Áirc a aimsiú, ó Ravenwood.
He learns that Ravenwood is dead, and the headpiece is now in the possession of his daughter Marion, with whom Jones once had an illicit affair.
Foghlaimíonn sé go bhfuil Ravenwood marbh, agus tá an ceannphíosa anois i seilbh a iníne Marion, a raibh caidreamh aindleathach ag Jones léi uair amháin.
The sadistic Gestapo agent Arnold Toht arrives at Marions bar flanked by mercenaries.
Sroicheann an gníomhaire sadistic Gestapo Arnold Toht beár Marion ar a bhfuil amhais taobh leis.
A gunfight erupts, and the bar is set ablaze.
Pléascann gunfight, agus tá an barra socraithe ablaze.
Toht attempts to recover the headpiece from the flames, but only burns its image into his hand.
Déanann Toht iarracht an ceannphíosa a aisghabháil ó na lasracha, ach ní dhéanann sé ach a íomhá a dhó ina lámh.
Jones and Marion take the headpiece and escape together.
Tógann Jones agus Marion an ceannphíosa agus éalaíonn siad le chéile.
They travel to Cairo, Egypt, where they meet Jones friend Sallah.
Taistealaíonn siad go Cairo, an Éigipt, áit a mbuaileann siad le cara Jones, Sallah.
He reveals that Belloq is assisting the Nazis, and they have fashioned a replica headpiece (from the burns on Tohts hand).
Nochtann sé go bhfuil Belloq ag cabhrú leis na Naitsithe, agus tá macasamhail de mhacasamhail déanta acu (ó na dónna ar lámh Toht).
Nazi soldiers and mercenaries attack Jones and Marion; Marion is seemingly killed.
Déanann saighdiúirí agus amhais na Naitsithe ionsaí ar Jones agus Marion; Maraítear Marion de réir cosúlachta.
Despondent, Jones confronts Belloq at a bar before regrouping with Sallah.
Freagróir, tugann Jones aghaidh ar Belloq ag beár sula ndéantar athghrúpáil le Sallah.
An imam deciphers the headpiece for Jones; one side bears a warning not to disturb the Ark, the other the correct measurements for the staff of Ra Jones and Sallah realize the Nazis are digging in the wrong location.
Deimhníonn imam an ceannphíosa do Jones; tugtar rabhadh do thaobh amháin gan cur isteach ar an Áirc, agus an taobh eile tuigeann na tomhais cearta d’fhoireann Ra Jones agus Sallah go bhfuil na Naitsithe ag tochailt san áit mhícheart.
Jones and Sallah infiltrate the Nazi dig site and use the headpiece to locate the Arks resting place, the snake-infested Well of Souls.
Déanann Jones agus Sallah suíomh tochailte na Naitsithe a insíothlú agus úsáideann siad an ceannphíosa chun áit scíthe an Áirc, an Tobar Souls-infested nathair, a aimsiú.
They recover the Ark, a golden, intricately decorated chest, but Belloq, Toht and Nazi officer Colonel Dietrich interrupt them.
Aisghabhann siad an Áirc, cófra órga, maisithe go dlúth, ach cuireann Belloq, Toht agus oifigeach Naitsíoch an Coirnéal Dietrich isteach orthu.
They seize the Ark and throw Marion, who has been held captive by Belloq, into the well with Jones, before sealing it.
Urghabhann siad an Áirc agus caitheann siad Marion, a bhí faoi chuing Belloq, isteach sa tobar le Jones, sula séalaítear é.
Jones collapses a large statue into a wall, creating an opening to escape.
Titeann Jones dealbh mór isteach i mballa, ag cruthú oscailt chun éalú.
At a nearby airstrip, Jones and Marion destroy the flying wing intended to transport the Ark to Berlin.
Ag aerstráice in aice láimhe, scriosann Jones agus Marion an sciathán eitilte atá beartaithe chun an Áirc a iompar go Beirlín.
The Nazis load the Ark onto a truck and flee, but Jones catches up on horseback, hijacks the truck, and escapes.
Luchtaíonn na Naitsithe an Áirc ar thrucail agus teitheann siad, ach glacann Jones suas ar muin capaill, déanann sé an trucail a fhuadach agus éalaíonn sé.
He arranges to transport the Ark to London aboard a tramp steamer.
Socraíonn sé an Áirc a iompar go Londain ar bord galtán trampa.
The following day, a Nazi U-boat intercepts the ship and seizes the Ark and Marion; Jones covertly boards the U-boat.
An lá dar gcionn, déanann bád U Naitsíoch an long a thascradh agus an Áirc agus Marion a ghabháil; Téann Jones ar bord an U-bháid go rúnda.
The vessel travels to an island in the Aegean Sea, where Belloq intends to test the power of the Ark before presenting it to Adolf Hitler.
Taistealaíonn an t-árthach chuig oileán sa Mhuir Aeigéach, áit a bhfuil sé i gceist ag Belloq cumhacht an Áirc a thástáil sula gcuirtear i láthair Adolf Hitler é.
En route, Jones ambushes the Nazi group with a rocket launcher but is forced to surrender after Belloq deduces that he would never destroy something of historical significance and also wants to know if the Arks power is real.
Ar a bhealach, luíonn Jones leis an ngrúpa Naitsíoch le lainseálaí roicéad ach cuirtear iallach air géilleadh tar éis do Belloq a mheas nach scriosfadh sé rud éigin a bhfuil tábhacht stairiúil leis agus ba mhaith leis a fháil amach an bhfuil cumhacht an Áirc fíor.
The Nazis take Jones and Marion to the test site and tie them to a post.
Tugann na Naitsithe Jones agus Marion chuig an láithreán tástála agus ceangail iad le post.
Belloq performs a ceremonial opening of the Ark, but finds only sand inside.
Déanann Belloq oscailt searmanais ar an Áirc, ach ní fhaigheann sé ach gaineamh istigh.
Jones instructs Marion to close her eyes and not look at the Ark.
Tugann Jones treoir do Marion a súile a dhúnadh agus gan féachaint ar an Áirc.
Spirits emerge from the Ark, followed by flames that cause Dietrichs body to shrivel, Tohts face to melt and Belloqs head to explode, while bolts of energy shoot through the gathered Nazis, killing them all.
Tagann biotáillí amach as an Áirc, agus lasracha ina dhiaidh sin a fhágann go laghdaíonn corp Dietrich, aghaidh Toht ag leá agus ceann Belloq ag pléascadh, agus boltaí fuinnimh ag lámhach trí na Naitsithe bailithe, ag marú iad go léir.
A whirlwind of fire reaches from the Ark into the sky, dissipating as the Ark seals itself shut.
Sroicheann guairneán tine ón Áirc isteach sa spéir, ag diomailt de réir mar a dhúnann an Áirc féin.
Jones and Marion open their eyes to find the area cleared of bodies and their bindings removed; the pair embraces.
Osclaíonn Jones agus Marion a súile chun an limistéar atá glanta ó choirp agus a gceangail a bhaint; glacann an péire.
Back in Washington, D.C., Jones and Marcus Brody receive a large payment from the United States government for securing the Ark.
Ar ais i Washington, faigheann DC, Jones agus Marcus Brody íocaíocht mhór ó rialtas na Stát Aontaithe as an Áirc a fháil.
Despite Jones insisting they tell him what has happened to the Ark, the agents offer only that it has been moved to a undisclosed location for study by “top men”.
In ainneoin gur áitigh Jones go n-insíonn siad dó cad a tharla don Áirc, ní thairgeann na gníomhairí ach gur aistríodh é go suíomh neamhnochta le haghaidh staidéir ag “fir barr”.
Elsewhere, the Ark is crated up and put into storage among countless other crates in a large warehouse.
Áit eile, déantar an Áirc a chreathadh agus a chur i stóráil i measc cliathbhoscaí eile gan áireamh i stóras mór.