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Concern that Irish language students would stop in youth hostels.

Imní go mbeadh scoláirí Gaeilge ag stopadh i mbrúnna óige.

Documents received by RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta indicate that the Department of the Gaeltacht was very concerned that Irish Colleges would face major difficulties this year and that some of them might have to leave the business due to financial circumstances.

Léiríonn cáipéisí atá faighte ag RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta go raibh an-imní ar Roinn na Gaeltachta go mbeadh deacrachtaí móra ag Coláistí Gaeilge i mbliana agus go mbfhéidir go mbeadh ar chuid acu éirí as an ngnó mar gheall ar chúinsí airgeadais.

Department officials have expressed great concern in the documents – obtained under the FOI Act – that the number of housewives detaining students would fall sharply this summer and that colleges would benefit from youth pressures.

Tá an-imní léirithe ag feidhmeannaigh na Roinne sna cáipéisí – a fuarthas faoin Acht um Shaoráil Faisnéise – go dtiocfadh titim mhór ar líon na mban tí a bheadh ag coinneáil scoláirí an samhradh seo agus go mbeadh coláistí ag baint leas as brúnna óige.

This would not be in keeping with the original aim of the Department of the Gaeltacht when the Irish Learners’ Scheme was first established, it was said.

Ní bheadh sé seo ag teacht leis an mbunaidhm a bhí ag Roinn na Gaeltachta nuair a bunaíodh Scéim na bhFoghlaimeoirí Gaeilge an chead lá riamh, a dúradh.

According to the documents, Irish Colleges will be paid an average of € 75,000 per course to 500 Irish young people who would have paid a thousand euro fee.

De réir na gcáipéisí, íocfar €75,000 in aghaidh an chúrsa ar an meán le Coláistí Gaeilge a mbeadh 500 duine óg ag freastal orthu agus a mbeadh táille míle euro íoctha acu.

At the end of May, the Department of the Gaeltacht announced a € 4.73 million compensation package for colleges and housewives for the cancellation of this year’s Irish language courses due to Covid-19.

Ag deireadh na Bealtaine, dfhógair Roinn na Gaeltachta pacáiste cúitimh €4.73 milliún do na coláistí agus do na mná tí as cúrsaí Gaeilge na bliana seo a bheith curtha ar ceal mar gheall ar covid 19.

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