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Inquiry into the death of two men drowned yesterday.

Fiosrúchán ag leanúint maidir le bás bheirt fhear a bádh inné.

The body of two men who drowned while diving in a lake in a quarry at the Portroe diving center in County Tipperary yesterday is to be post-mortem.

Tá scrúdú iarbháis le déanamh ar chorp bheirt fhear a bádh nuair a bhí siad ag tumadh i loch i gcairéal ag ionad tumadóireachta an Phoirt Rua i gContae Thiobraid Árann inné.

It is understood that the two brothers Fergus and Philip Brophy have many years of diving experience.

Tuigtear go taithí na mblianta ag an mbeirt deartháireacha Fergus agus Philip Brophy ag tumadh.

Fergus Brophy was 42 years old and his brother Philip was 34 years old.

Bhí Fergus Brophy 42 bliain daois agus bhí a dheartháir Philip 34 bliain daois.

It is understood that they were using an underwater scooter and were diving for half an hour or so when difficulties struck.

Tuigtear go raibh siad ag baint usáide as scútar faoi uisce agus go raibh siad ag tumadh ar feadh leath uair an chloig nó mar sin nuair a bhuail deacrachtaí iad.

The two tragically drowned men were from Ballybrittas in County Laois.

Bas Baile Briotáis i gContae Laoise don mbeirt fhear a bádh go tragóideach.

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