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Locally enforced lockout restrictions in Spain.

Srianta dianghlasála curtha i bhfeidhm go háitiúil sa Spáinn.

Intense locking restrictions have been implemented locally in Spain for the second day and restrictions have been applied in the Galicia area of northwestern Spain to approximately 70,000 people in view of an outbreak of Covid 19.

Tá srianta dianghlasála curtha i bhfeidhm go háitiúil sa Spáinn don dara lá agus srianta curtha i bhfeidhm i gceantar Galicia in iarthuaiscceart na Spáinne ar tuairim is 70,000 duine i bhfianaise ráig de Covid 19 ann.

Yesterday Catalonia imposed stringent lock-up restrictions in an attempt to halt the spread of the crown virus.

Inné chuir Catalonia srianta dianghlasála i bhfeidhm in iarracht stop a chur le scaipeadh an choróinvíris.

People living in A Marina in Lugo province off the north coast of Spain will not be allowed to leave the area from midnight on Friday, two days before regional elections are held in Galicia on July 12th.

Ní bheidh cead ag daoine atá ina gconaí i A Marina i gcúige Lugo atá ar chósta thuaidh na Spáinne an ceantar a fhágáil ó mheán oíche Dé hAoine, dhá lá sula reachtáilfear toghcháin réigiúnacha i Galicia ar an 12ú Iúil.

Authorities in Galicia say people will be allowed to move around A Marina, but only people who need to travel for work will be allowed to leave or enter the area.

Deir na húdaráis i Galicia go mbeidh cead ag daoine bogadh timpeall A Marina, ach ní thabharfar cead ach do dhaoine gur gá dóibh taisteal don obair an ceantar a fhágáil nó teacht isteach sa cheantar.

Regional Health Minister Jesus Vazquez Almuina says in a news conference, the largest outbreaks of the virus have been associated with several pubs in the area.

Deir an tAire Sláinte réigiúnach Jesus Vazquez Almuina le comhdháil nuachta, gur bhain na ráigeanna is mó den víreas le roinnt tithe tábhairne sa cheantar.

Local authorities say there are now 258 cases of the virus in Galicia, 117 of those in Lugo.

Deir na hÚdaráis áitiúla go bhfuil 258 cás den víreas i Galicia anois, 117 dóibh sin i Lugo.

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