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Bombing attacks carried out by Israel on southern Lebanon.

Ionsaithe buamála déanta ag Iosrael ar dheisceart na Liobáine.

Israeli forces carried out bombing attacks on sites in southern Lebanon this morning in an apparent salvo against Hezbollah, after Israeli secret agents killed and injured members of that organization and civilians with booby traps for two days.

Rinne fórsaí Iosrael ionsaithe buamála ar ionaid i ndeisceart na Liobáine ar maidin inniu le cneá oscailte Hezbollah a shailleadh, is cosúil, tar éis do ghníomhairí rúnda Iosrael comhaltaí den eagraíocht sin agus sibhialtaigh a mharú agus a ghortú le bobghaistí le dhá lá.

Yesterday, 20 people were killed and approximately 450 others were injured when handheld radio devices belonging to members of Hezbollah exploded in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and in the Bekaa Valley in the east of the country.

Inné, maraíodh 20 duine agus gortaíodh tuairim is 450 duine eile nuair a phléasc gairis raidió láimhe le comhaltaí de Hezbollah i bpríomhchathair na Liobáine, Béiriút, agus i nGleann Bheiceá in oirthear na tíre.

The day before, twelve people were killed – including two children – and nearly 3,000 others were injured when thousands of cellphones exploded with members of Hezbollah in Beirut, the Bekaa Valley and southern Lebanon.

An lá roimhe sin, maraíodh dháréag – beirt pháistí ina measc – agus leonadh beagnach 3,000 duine eile nuair a phléasc na mílte glaoire póca le comhaltaí de Hezbollah i mBéiriut, i nGleann Bheiceá agus i ndeisceart na Liobáine.

About 3,000 pagers apparently exploded when a coded message was sent to them.

Is cosúil gur phléasc thart ar 3,000 glaoire nuair a seoladh teachtaireacht chódaithe chucu.

It is believed to have been a mass cyber attack and it was reported yesterday that Israeli secret agents may have planted small explosive devices in the pagers before Hezbollah bought them from a company based in Taiwan.

Glactar leis gur oll-chibirionsaí a bhí ann agus tuairiscíodh inné go mb’fhéidir gur chuir gníomhairí rúnda Iosrael gairis bheaga phléascacha sna glaoirí sular cheannaigh Hezbollah iad ó chomhlacht atá bunaithe sa Téaváin.

In a statement, however, the Gold Apollo company indicated that they did not make the callers even though they bear the company’s brand.

I ráiteas, áfach, thug an comhlacht Gold Apollo le fios nach ndearna siadsan na glaoirí cé go bhfuil branda an chomhlachta orthu.

According to the statement, they were made by a company based in the capital of Hungary, Budapest.

De réir an ráitis, is comhlacht atá bunaithe i bpríomhchathair na hUngáire, Búdaipeist, a rinne iad.

As with the handheld radio devices – or walkie-talkies as they are called – today it is reported that they were branded by a company from Japan.

Mar leis na gairis raidió láimhe – nó siúlscéalaithe mar a thugtar orthu – tuairiscítear inniu go raibh branda chomhlacht ón tSeapáin orthu.

In a statement, however, the ICOM company said that they stopped making those particular walkers ten years ago.

I ráiteas, ámh, dúirt an comhlacht ICOM gur éirigh siad as na siúlscéalaithe áirithe sin a dhéanamh deich mbliana ó shin.

RTÉ News and Current Affairs Bombing attack carried out by Israeli forces on the village of Kfar Kila in southern Lebanon

Nuacht agus Cúrsaí Reatha RTÉ Ionsaí buamála déanta ag fórsaí Iosrael ar shráidbhaile Kfar Kila i ndeisceart na Liobáine

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