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The FBI is investigating an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Iarracht feallmharaithe ar Donald Trump á fhiosrú ag an FBI.

Former President Donald Trump is safe after the Secret Service came before an attempt to assassinate him while he was playing golf on his own golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida yesterday.

Tá an t-iar-Uachtarán Donald Trump slán tar éis don tSeirbhís Rúnda teacht roimh iarracht a cheaptar a bhí ar bun é a fheallmharú agus é ag imirt gailf ar a ghalfchúrsa féin i West Palm Beach, Florida inné.

Members of the Secret Service fired shots at a gunman who was hiding in hedges near the edge of the golf course, when he was spotted a hundred yards from where Trump was playing yesterday afternoon.

Chaith baill den tSeirbhís Rúnda urchair le gunnadóir a bhí i bhfolach i sceacha gar d’imeall an ghalfchúrsa, nuair a tugadh faoi deara é roinn céad slat ón áit a raibh Trump ag imirt tráthnóna inné.

The man fled the scene in a car, but was later arrested.

Theith an fear ón láthair i gcarr, ach gabhadh níos deireanaí é.

He had left behind an AK-47 assault rifle and other items.

Bhí raidhfil ionsaithe AK-47 agus nithe eile fágtha ina dhiaidh aige.

This incident came two months after Donald Trump was wounded in the ear when a gunman threw bullets at him at a rally in Pennsylvania, an incident in which one man was killed and several others were injured.

Tháinig an eachtra seo dhá mhí tar éis do Donald Trump bheith gortuithe ina chluais nuair a chaith gunnadóir urchair leis ag slógadh i bPennsylvania, eachtra inar maraíodh fear agus gortaíodh roinnt eile.

Trump issued a statement after the incident thanking the goodwill shown to him and the authorities who kept him safe.

D’eisigh Trump ráiteas i ndiaidh na heachtra ag gabháíl buíochais as an dea-mhéin a léiríodh dó agus as na húdaráis a choinnigh slán é.

An interesting day, he called it.

Lá speisiúil, a thug sé air.

The man arrested is not officially named by the FBI, but CNN, Fox News and the New York Times, among other media, are saying that Ryan Wesley Routh, a 58- year-old man from Hawaii, is the one who fled the scene.

Níl an fear a gabhadh á ainmniú go hoifiigúíl ag an FBI, ach tá na CNN, Fox News agus an New York Timeas, i measc meán eile, á rá gurb é Ryan Wesley Routh, fear 58 mbliana d’aois as Hawaii, an té a theith ón láthair.

It is not known if the man knew Trump was there at the time, nor is it yet known what led him to be there with an assault rifle.

Ní fios an raibh a fhios ag an bhfear go raibh Trump ar an láthair ag an am, ná ní fios go fóill céard a thug air bheith ar an láthair le gunna ionsaithe.

But there are now questions about the level of security given to the former president and controversial candidate.

Ach tá ceisteanna anois faoin leibhéal slándála a thugtar don iar-uachtarán agus iarrthóir conspóideach.

Officials acknowledged that the golf course is not completely closed because Trump is not in office.

D’adamhaigh oifigigh nach bhfuil an galfchúrsa dúnta go hiomlán de bharr nach bhfuil Trump in oifig.

The head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, had to resign from office b President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris gave statements from them after the incident, saying that they were grateful that Donald Trump was not hurt. they were kept informed of the inquiry and that political violence had never had a place in the life of the United States.

B’éigean do cheannaire na Seirbhíse Rúnda, Kimberly Cheatle, éírí as oifig de b Thug an tUachtaran Joe Biden agus an Leas-Uachtaran Kamala Harris ráítis uathu tar éis na heachtra, á rá go raibh siad buíoch nar bhain aon ghortú do Donald Trump go raibh siad á gcoinneáil ar an eolas faoin bhfiosrúchán agus nach raibh aon ait riamh don fhoréigean polaitiúil i saol na Stát Aontaithe.

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