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Professors found in Izium.

Olluaigh aimsithe in Izium.

Authorities have found mass graves in Ukraine, in which hundreds of bodies have been buried, they say.

Tá olluaigh aimsithe ag na hÚdaráis san Úcráin, ina bhfuil na céadta corp curtha, a deir siad.

The graves were found in Izium, a city that has been recaptured by Ukrainian forces from Russia for the past week.

Thángthas ar na huaigheanna in Izium, cathair atá athghafa ag fórsaí na hÚcráine ón Rúis le seachtain anuas.

Ukrainian President Zelensky is comparing the graves in Izium to those previously found in the cities of Bucha and Mariupol.

Tá Uachtarán Zelensky na hÚcráine ag cur na n-uaigheanna in Izium i gcomparáid leo siúd a dtángthas orthu sna cathracha Bucha agus Mariupol roimhe seo.

“We want the world to be aware”, said President Zelensky, “about what Russia has done to the people of this country.”

“Táimid ag iarraidh go mbeidh an domhan mór ar an eolas”, a dúirt an tUachtarán Zelensky, “faoin sléacht atá déanta ar mhuintir na tíre seo ag an Rúis.”

It is not yet confirmed how many bodies are in the mass, nor what caused the death of the dead.

Níl sé deimhnithe go fóill cé mhéad corp atá san olluaigh, ná céard a ba chúis le bás na marbh.

In a tweet published last night, President Zelensky’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, accused the Russians of murder.

I dtuvít a foilsíodh aréir, chuir ceann foirne an Uachtaráin Zelensky, Andriy Yermak, dúnmharú i leith na Rúiseach.

And he posted a photo of a forest, in which there were simply made wooden belts all over the place.

Agus phostáil sé grianghraf de choill, ina raibh criosanna adhmaid a bhí déanta go simplí ar fud na háite.

Andriy Yermak said that all the bodies were to be removed from the graves, and forensic examinations would be carried out on them.

Dúirt Andriy Yermak go raibh na coirp ar fad le baint as na huaigheanna, agus go ndéanfaí scrúdaithe fóiréinseacha orthu.

An official of the Ukrainian regional police, Sergei Botvinov, told Sky News that there were around 440 bodies in the mass grave.

Dúirt oifigeach de chuid na bpoilíní réigiúnacha san Úcráin, Sergei Botvinov, le Sky News go raibh thart ar 440 corp san olluaigh.

He revealed that some of them died due to their discharge and others were killed in shell attacks.

Thug sé le fios go bhfuair cuid acu bás de bharr a scaoilte agus gur maraíodh cuid eile in ionsaithe sliogán.

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