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Boris Johnson wins confidence resolution.
Rún muiníne buaite ag Boris Johnson.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has survived a vote of confidence.
Tá Príomhaire na Breataine, Boris Johnson, tagtha slán i ndiaidh vóta muiníne.
211 Conservative Party MPs voted in favor and 148 against.
Vótáil 211 Feisire Parlaiminte de chuid an Pháirtí Chaomhaigh ina fhábhar agus 148 ina choinne.
Boris Johnson was told yesterday that he would be destined for this vote, after 54 members of his own party wrote a letter demanding it.
Cuireadh in iúl do Boris Johnson inné go mbeadh an vóta seo i ndán dó, i ndiaidh do 54 feisire de chuid a pháirtí féin litir a scríobh á éileamh.
The decisive number of expressions of dissatisfaction that must be obtained in order to motivate such a ballot is 54.
Is é 54 an líon cinniúnach léirithe míshásachta go gcaithfear a fháil chun go spreagfar a leithéid de bhallóid.
Dissatisfaction within the party over Boris Johnson ‘s leadership was mounting, especially in the wake of the controversy surrounding pedestrians at 10 Downing Street during the pandemic.
Bhí ag géarú ar an míshásacht sa pháirtí maidir le ceannaireacht Boris Johnson, go háirithe i bhfianaise na conspóide a bhain le coisirí i 10 Sráid Downing le linn na paindéime.
Earlier, he urged his MEPs to vote for him, warning them that the Conservative Party might be expelled by the people if they continued fighting.
Níos tuisce, d’impigh sé ar a fheisirí vótáil ar a shon, ag tabhairt rabhaidh dóibh go mb’fhéidir go gcuirfeadh an pobal an ruaig ar an bPáirtí Caomhach dá leanfaidís den trodaíocht eatarthu féin.