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200 now approved at organized outdoor events.

200 ceadaithe anois ag ócáidí eagraithe lasmuigh.

According to the new Covid guidelines issued by Fáilte Ireland, a maximum of 200 people will be allowed to attend events organized outdoors.

De réir na dtreoirlínte nua Covid atá eisithe ag an eagraíocht Fáilte Ireland, ceadófar uasmhéid de 200 duine a bheith i láthair ag ócáidí atá eagraithe amuigh faoin aer.

There is no change to the board directive, which is a maximum of six at each table, and be 13 years of age or older.

Níl aon athrú ar an treoir maidir le boird, sé sin seisear ar a mhéid ag gach bord, agus iad a bheith 13 bliain d’aois nó níos sine.

100 is the maximum that is always allowed for a wedding party.

100 an t-uasmhéid atá ceadaithe i gcónai i gcás cóisir bainise.

And only 15 people are allowed at each table.

Agus ní cheadaítear ach 15 duine ag gach bord.

A band will also be allowed at the outdoor events, as long as the guidelines from their health authorities regarding Covid-19 are strictly adhered to.

Ceadófar freisin banna ceoil ag na hócáidí lasmuigh, fad is go gcloítear go docht leis na treoirlínte óna húdaráis sláinte i dtaca le covid 19.

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