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Court in London ruling in favor of Assange.

Cúirt i Londain ag rialú i bhfábhar Assange.

The Magistrates’ Court in London rejected an extradition request from the United States to hand over Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks.

Dhiúltaigh Cúirt an Ghiúistís i Londain diarratas eiseachadta óna Stáit Aontaithe go dtabharfaí ar lámh dóibh Julian Assange,bunaitheoir Wikileaks.

America wants to put Assange on trial.

Teastaíonn ó Mheiriceá Assange a chur ar a thriail.

Julian Assange is now 49 years old.

49 bliain daois anois atá Julian Assange.

Strong support for Asange, especially for media freedom activists The US government claims that Assange must be prosecuted for the thousands of secret documents it published between 2010 and 2011.

Tacaíocht mhór á léiriú dAssange, go háirithe ón dream ar mór leo saoirse na meán Maíonn Rialtas na Stát Aontaithe go gcaithfear Assange a chúiseamh mar gheall ar na mílte caípéis rúnda a dfhoilsigh sé idir 2010 agus 2011.

It was ruled today, however, that he could not be sent to America, because of his mental health difficulties.

Rialaíodh inniu áfach nach bhféadfaí é a chur go Meiriceá, mar gheall ar a dheacrachtaí meabhair-shláinte.

The organization Amnesty International has welcomed this ruling, saying ‘no cause should be given against Assange in the first place’.

Tá fáilte curtha ag an eagraíocht Amnesty International roimh an rialú seo, ag rá nár chóir aon chúis a bheith tugtha i gcoinne Assange sa chéad áit.

‘The causes were politically motivated, and the British Government should have little or no support for America in its extradition,’ Amnesty said.

Bhí aidhm pholaitiúil leis na cúiseanna, agus níor chóir do Rialtas na Breataine tacú beag ná mór le Meiriceá maidir lena eiseachadadh, a dúirt Amnesty.

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