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Trump refuses to debate virtually.
Diúltaíonn Trump díospóireacht a dhéanamh go fíorúil.
US President Donald Trump refuses to hold the next debate virtually.
Diúltaíonn Uachtarán Mheiriceá Donald Trump an chéad díospóireacht eile a dhéanamh go fíorúil.
The Commission on Presidential Debates in America has stated that the second presidential debate in the United States will be held virtually on the 15th of the month with US President Donald Trump and Joe Biden of the Democratic Party debating from various locations but not on the same spot.
Tá sé ráite ag an gComisiúin ar Dhíospóireachtaí Uachtaránachta i Meiriceá go reachtáilfear an dara dhíospóireacht Uachtaránachta sna Stáit Aontaithe go fíorúil ar an 15ú den mhí le hUachtarán na Stát Aontaithe Donald Trump agus Joe Biden ón bPáirtí Daonlathach i mbun díospóireachta ó láithreacha éagsúla ach ní ar an láthair chéanna.
The audience will get a chance to ask questions and the chair will meet in one spot in Florida.
Tiocfaidh an lucht féachanna go mbíonn deis acu ceisteanna a chur agus an cathaoirleach le chéile i spota amháin i Florida.
Now, however, Donald Trump has said in an interview with Fox that the debate cannot be assumed to be ” virtual ” and said he is not going to be involved in a virtual debate.
Anois áfach, tá sé ráite ag Donald Trump in agallamh le Fox nach féidir glacadh leis gur go fíorúil a bheidh an díospóireacht agus dúirt sé nach bhfuil sé chun a bheith páirteach i ndíospóireacht fhíorúil.
The Commission says the decision was made in the interests of protecting people’s health and safety.
Deir an Comisiúin gur déanadh an cinneadh ar mhaithe le sláinte agus sábháilteacht daoine a chosaint.
Services in Irish from the State will improve, says Minister Martin.
Feabhsóidh seirbhisí i nGaeilge ón Stát a deir an tAire Martin.
The provision of Irish language services by the State will be enhanced by the amendment of the Official Languages Act, said the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and the Media, Catherine Martin.
Tiocfaidh feabhas ar sholáthar seirbhisí Gaeilge ón Stát nuair a leasófar Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla a dúirt an tAire Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán Catherine Martin.
The amendments to the bill were debated in the Dáil today.
Pléadh na leasuithe ar an mbille sa Dáil inniu.
Sinn Féin TD Aengus Ó Snodaigh welcomed the amendments but said he hoped the bill would be further strengthened at committee stage.
Dfháiltigh an Teachta Dála Aengus Ó Snodaigh ó Shinn Féin roimh na leasuithe ach dúirt sé go bhfuil sé ag súil go laidreófar an bille a thuilleadh fós ag céim an choiste.
Minister Martin said that she believes that the bill to amend the Languages Act will improve the provision of services in Irish by the State.
Dúirt Aire Martin go gcreideann sí go gcuirfear feabhas ar sholathar seirbhisí i nGaeilge ón Stáit tríd an bhille le Acht na dTeangacha a leasú.
The aim of the bill is to ensure that the State will provide a service in Irish but when the bill was published before Christmas it was criticized for not being strong enough as said.
Tá sé mar aidhm sa bhille a chinntiú go gcuirfidh an Stát seirbhis ar fáil i nGaeilge ach nuair a foilsíodh an bille roimh Nollaig cáineadh é mar ná raibh sé láidir go leor a dúradh.
All politicians agreed that the proposed reforms were needed to strengthen it but the opposition believes more reforms are needed.
Bhí na polaiteoiri ar fad aontaithe go raibh gá leis na leasaithe molta chun é laidriú ach creideann an freasúra go bhfuil gá le tuille leasaithe.
A question was also raised about planning matters in the Gaeltacht today.
Ardaíodh ceist mar gheall ar chursaí pleanala sa Ghaeltacht chomh maith inniu.
Other issues raised included the difficulties of using a name in Irish with a long extension when dealing with the State, complaints about road signs of a lack of resources for the Irish language media and a number of other issues.
I measc na nithe eile a ardaíodh bhí na deacrachtaí ainm i nGaeilge le síneadh fada a usáid agus duine ag plé leis an Stát, gearáin faoi chomharthaí bothair easpa acmhainní dos na Meáin Ghaeilge agus scata nithe eile.